On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 16:56:47 -0500, Brian Cuttler wrote:
> Yes, I saw what you saw in the gtar report - I can only
> surmize that the error is written in a confusing mannor.
> /proc is definitely a directory that contains files that
> are named for process ids that can be found on the system.

Well, I suppose it's possible that for some version or other of GNU tar
this could just be because of a misleading error message, but my hunch
would be that someting more tricky is going on.  (In other words, I
don't think tar would output that error message unless it really was
trying to back up "proc" as a file -- which seems like it would be a bad
sign....  As long as it was treating "proc" as a directory, you'd expect
tar to report changes with "file changed as we read it" or "cannot stat:
no such file or directory" errors on the files found underneath that
directory, and not as a message realted to the directory itself.)

I take it you did tests like running 
  ls -l /export/zones/dorldom1z1/root
  ls -ld /export/zones/dorldom1z1/root/proc
  ls -l /export/zones/dorldom1z1/root/proc

from within the environment that the Amanda client software would run
while doing this backup?

(I don't know that this necessarily has anything to do with your timeout
problem; I'm just saying that message seems like a red flag worth
investigating to make sure it doesn't indicate a deeper problem.  Though
it's certainly possible that it's just an artifact related to Solaris
zones, which I don't have any experience with myself.)


Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic region
Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -   http://www.ontko.com/
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