Doug> Might this also support the ability to have multiple changers
Doug> active at the same time?  

Dustin> This particular patch does not address this issue - but it's a
Dustin> good issue!

Dustin> It's not clear exactly how we'd model this.  One model is to
Dustin> assign each scribe to its own changer, with the result that
Dustin> one scribe may run out of tapes while another has a whole
Dustin> library full of inactive media.  Another model is to create an
Dustin> "aggregate changer" from which all of the scribes operate --
Dustin> basically emulating one large changer that is the combination
Dustin> of all of the real changers.  This, of course, introduces
Dustin> complexities in that a tape in one changer can't be loaded
Dustin> into a drive in another changer.

Hmm, I guess it depends on if the changers are similar in number of
tapes, capacity of the tapes, number of tape drives, and speed of the
tape drives. If your changers are all similar, as our are, then it
seems that treating all of the tapes in all of the changers as a
single pool makes sense. That over a dumpcycle things should for the
most part average out. When you start out you need to have similar
numbers of open media in each changer. 

I would think that avoiding the problem where a scribe needs a tape
moved from one changer to antoher is the right approach. I'd really
hate to have to shuffle tapes between changers on a daily basis. 

I guess that the worst case of assigning a scribe to a specific
changer is that antoher scribe may run out of tapes for a particular
run and your tape throughput is reduced since only one changer has
eligible tapes. But I really think that with a bit of forethought as
to how you balance the tapes in the changers, and also the averaging
you would get over multiple runs that things would settle out. 

In our case we have three 30 tape AIT changers each with 2 drives for
a total of 90 total slots and 6 tape drives. All of our changers and
tape drives are the same. 

I'll admit I'm a bit unsure how Amanda breaks ties when multiple
eligible tapes have the same date. Is it by the order in the tapelist
file, or something else? This perhaps makes a difference especially if
Amanda always starts writing to the first eligible tape in the first
changer. This could cause the tapes in that changer to be used more
frequently, but then the other changers would take up the slack. You
may end up with a situation where you've lost performance because not
all tape drives can be fed tapes. 

I'll admit I'm selfishly trying to not have to balance multiple Amanda
configs and also not have to change tapes. I'm just lazy.

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