Am 06.06.2011 15:54, schrieb Jean-Louis Martineau:

> As all backup are run in the C locale, all non-ASCII characters are in
> octal representation in the index file.
> amrecover is run in the user locale, it should be able to display
> characters in user locale (The patch do it)
> On recovery, the application is also run in the C locale, but can it
> accept non-ASCII characters? some can and some can't.
> That's why the patch can't be committed.
> Also, it can be possible to have filename in a different locale, using
> the root locale to display them can make it harder.
> I would prefer to have an amrecover setting that enable the translation
> of an octal representation to a single bytes.
> There is a workaround, octal characters must be preceded by 4 backslash:
> amrecover> add \\\\303\\\\275

Jean-Louis, thanks for the explanation, a bit steep for me ...
What does it mean to me as a user?

Will it get patched? Is it fixable?
Will Amanda allow me to amrecover UTF8-named files without using wildcards?

Francis tried to trace the problem with some patches already (in a
private thread) ....

I assume that not only german users face this issue, afai understand
also users of other locales face these problems?

Regards, Stefan

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