I usually do that just sliped my mind.

My setup is

I am running Amanda-3.2.3 on a Solaris 10 X86 host and I have changer defined 

define changer "c4" {
  tpchanger "chg-robot:/dev/changer/0"
  changerfile "chg-zd-mtx-state"
  property "tape-device" "0=tape:/dev/rmt/0cbn"
  property "eject-before-unload" "true"
  property "eject-delay" "10"
  property "unload-delay" "10"
  property "use-slots" "31-36"
  property "load-poll" "0s poll 5s until 120s"
  device-property "BLOCK_SIZE" "1024k"
  device-property "LEOM" "true"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jean-Louis Martineau [mailto:martin...@zmanda.com]
> Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2011 3:20 PM
> To: McGraw, Robert P
> Cc: 'amanda-users@amanda.org'
> Subject: Re: Tape order
> Always post which amanda release you are using!
> Try chg-robot for your changer.
> Jean-Louis
> On 07/07/2011 02:21 PM, McGraw, Robert P wrote:
> > I am trying to determine what tape order amanda uses when requesting a
> reuse tape.
> >
> > My amanda.conf is configured to use slots 31-36 for my archive tapes.
> These slots contain the following tapes.
> >
> >        Storage Element 31:Full :VolumeTag=A00224L2
> >        Storage Element 32:Full :VolumeTag=A00225L2
> >        Storage Element 33:Full :VolumeTag=A00226L2
> >        Storage Element 34:Full :VolumeTag=A00221L2
> >        Storage Element 35:Full :VolumeTag=A00222L2
> >        Storage Element 36:Full :VolumeTag=A00223L2
> >
> >
> > When I run "amadmin archive tape" I get this order list.
> >
> >     % amadmin archive tape
> >     The next Amanda run should go onto 6 new tapes.
> >     The next 6 new tapes already labelled are: A00221, A00222, A00224,
> A00225, A00226, A00223
> >
> > When I run "amcheck -s archive" I get the following:
> >
> >     % amcheck -s archive
> >     Amanda Tape Server Host Check
> >     -----------------------------
> >     Holding disk /zvol/amanda/holdingdisk/archive: 1918267 MB disk space
> available, using 921600 MB as requested
> >     slot ?: slot 13 not in use-slots (31-36)
> >     slot 31: volume 'A00224'
> >     Will write to volume 'A00224' in slot 31.
> >     NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
> >     Server check took 42.518 seconds
> >
> > For my archive run slot 31 is the first slot used by my archive run that
> has a reuse tape.
> >
> > I would really like to have my archive tape in the sequential order such
> as A00221, A00222, A00224, A00225, A00226, A00223, but amcheck tell me
> that it will start with what every tape is in slot 31, which happens to be
> A00224 and will use tapes in slot 31-36.
> >
> > Why the difference between the two command.?
> amadmin list the order in which the tape should be used.
> amcheck  list the first tape it will use, it is your responsibility to
> but the tape you want in the correct slot
> chg-zd-mtx do not use the barcode, that's why the fiorst slot is always
> used.
> Jean-Louis

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