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From: Jean-Louis Martineau
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2011 9:21:48 PM
To: McGraw, Robert P
Cc: ''
Subject: Re: Tape order

% amadmin archive tape
The next Amanda run should go onto 6 new tapes.
The next 6 new tapes already labelled are: A00221, A00222, A00224,  A00225, 
A00226, A00223

Ha, they are new tapes, there is no order for new tape, amanda use the
first one.
Put them in the changer in the oreder you want them to be used.


On 07/07/2011 04:39 PM, McGraw, Robert P wrote:
> I usually do that just sliped my mind.
> My setup is
> I am running Amanda-3.2.3 on a Solaris 10 X86 host and I have changer defined 
> as
> define changer "c4" {
>    tpchanger "chg-robot:/dev/changer/0"
>    changerfile "chg-zd-mtx-state"
>    property "tape-device" "0=tape:/dev/rmt/0cbn"
>    property "eject-before-unload" "true"
>    property "eject-delay" "10"
>    property "unload-delay" "10"
>    property "use-slots" "31-36"
>    property "load-poll" "0s poll 5s until 120s"
>    device-property "BLOCK_SIZE" "1024k"
>    device-property "LEOM" "true"
> }
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jean-Louis Martineau []
>> Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2011 3:20 PM
>> To: McGraw, Robert P
>> Cc: ''
>> Subject: Re: Tape order
>> Always post which amanda release you are using!
>> Try chg-robot for your changer.
>> Jean-Louis
>> On 07/07/2011 02:21 PM, McGraw, Robert P wrote:
>>> I am trying to determine what tape order amanda uses when requesting a
>> reuse tape.
>>> My amanda.conf is configured to use slots 31-36 for my archive tapes.
>> These slots contain the following tapes.
>>>         Storage Element 31:Full :VolumeTag=A00224L2
>>>         Storage Element 32:Full :VolumeTag=A00225L2
>>>         Storage Element 33:Full :VolumeTag=A00226L2
>>>         Storage Element 34:Full :VolumeTag=A00221L2
>>>         Storage Element 35:Full :VolumeTag=A00222L2
>>>         Storage Element 36:Full :VolumeTag=A00223L2
>>> When I run "amadmin archive tape" I get this order list.
>>>      % amadmin archive tape
>>>      The next Amanda run should go onto 6 new tapes.
>>>      The next 6 new tapes already labelled are: A00221, A00222, A00224,
>> A00225, A00226, A00223
>>> When I run "amcheck -s archive" I get the following:
>>>      % amcheck -s archive
>>>      Amanda Tape Server Host Check
>>>      -----------------------------
>>>      Holding disk /zvol/amanda/holdingdisk/archive: 1918267 MB disk space
>> available, using 921600 MB as requested
>>>      slot ?: slot 13 not in use-slots (31-36)
>>>      slot 31: volume 'A00224'
>>>      Will write to volume 'A00224' in slot 31.
>>>      NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
>>>      Server check took 42.518 seconds
>>> For my archive run slot 31 is the first slot used by my archive run that
>> has a reuse tape.
>>> I would really like to have my archive tape in the sequential order such
>> as A00221, A00222, A00224, A00225, A00226, A00223, but amcheck tell me
>> that it will start with what every tape is in slot 31, which happens to be
>> A00224 and will use tapes in slot 31-36.
>>> Why the difference between the two command.?
>> amadmin list the order in which the tape should be used.
>> amcheck  list the first tape it will use, it is your responsibility to
>> but the tape you want in the correct slot
>> chg-zd-mtx do not use the barcode, that's why the fiorst slot is always
>> used.
>> Jean-Louis

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