Hello Markus,

We have mostly win clients on Amanda for several years now. What you
describe should work fine. I'll double check my procedure later this
morning and post exactly how it goes.


-Sent from my droid
On Nov 13, 2013 5:14 PM, "Markus Iturriaga Woelfel" <mitur...@eecs.utk.edu>

> Hi fellow Amanda Users - I've been trying to figure out how to read the
> ZIP files generated by the ZManda Windows Client on our Red Hat 6 Amanda
> server. The information I can find on the mailing list is somewhat
> conflicting. We've been using Amanda for years to back up Linux/Unix
> systems but I'd like to add a few Windows computers to our list of clients.
> Here is my problem:
> 1) I can use amfetchdump to get what appears to be a zip file:
> # file staff15.zip
> staff15.zip: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract
> 2) The "unzip" command (which has ZIP64 support) does not recognize this
> as a proper file:
> # unzip -l staff15.zip
> Archive:  staff15.zip
> warning [staff15.zip]:  12551715855 extra bytes at beginning or within
> zipfile
>   (attempting to process anyway)
> error [staff15.zip]:  start of central directory not found;
>   zipfile corrupt.
>   (please check that you have transferred or created the zipfile in the
>   appropriate BINARY mode and that you have compiled UnZip properly)
> I have also tried 7za (7-zip for Linux) to no avail.
> 3) Copying the archive to Windows, the Explorer built-in zip mechanisms
> just hang indefinitely. 7Zip for Windows complains that it cannot open the
> file as an archive.
> I should say that there were no errors reported when this backup was
> taken.
> Some of the posts I've seen say "try PKZip" but PKZip is not free software
> and that defeats the purpose of us using Amanda. I downloaded the
> evaluation version of PKZip and it could indeed see the contents of the
> archive and extract files.
> So, my questions is - is there no free/open source software that can read
> and extract from the zip files generated by the Zmanda client for Windows?
> Can I switch the compression to "server" if all else fails?
> Thanks as always,
> Markus
> ---
> Markus A. Iturriaga Woelfel, IT Administrator
> Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
> University of Tennessee
> Min H. Kao Building, Suite 424 / 1520 Middle Drive
> Knoxville, TN 37996-2250
> mitur...@eecs.utk.edu / (865) 974-3837
> http://twitter.com/UTKEECSIT

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