
I'm still working through the 15-minute Amanda tutorial. Maybe '15-hour'
would be a better title? ;-)

My first backup/dump failed b/c my test backup set was 6GB, > than the
default 5GB tape/slot size for the test setup. I changed the tape/slot size
to 6.5GB and changed the config to allow 2 tapes per dump. Then I ran it
again, and the amreport was happy.

But then when I ran the recover, it hung during the 'Load tape' step (see
below, from 2nd attempt). So I tried amclean and there were no reported
issues with the log, and used amrmtape to remove the two tapes.

I reran the dump and again it reported no problems. But the recover is
hanging again. Here's the output. Does anyone have suggestions? Thanks!

[root@cback amanda]# amrecover DailySet1
AMRECOVER Version 3.3.4. Contacting server on localhost ...
220 cback AMANDA index server (3.3.4) ready.
Setting restore date to today (2013-11-13)
200 Working date set to 2013-11-13.
200 Config set to DailySet1.
501 Host cback.uphs.upenn.edu is not in your disklist.
Trying host cback.uphs.upenn.edu ...
501 Host cback.uphs.upenn.edu is not in your disklist.
Trying host cback.uphs.upenn.edu ...
501 Host cback.uphs.upenn.edu is not in your disklist.
Use the sethost command to choose a host to recover
amrecover> sethost cslim.uphs.upenn.edu
200 Dump host set to cslim.uphs.upenn.edu.
amrecover> listdisk
200- List of disk for host cslim.uphs.upenn.edu
201- /amandatestdata/
200 List of disk for host cslim.uphs.upenn.edu
amrecover> setdisk /amandatestdata/
200 Disk set to /amandatestdata/.
amrecover> ls
2013-11-13-15-15-01 otherfile
2013-11-13-15-15-01 helloworld.txt
2013-11-13-15-15-01 .
amrecover> add *
Added file /otherfile
Added file /helloworld.txt
amrecover> extract

Extracting files using tape drive cback://amandatest/vtape/DailySet1 on
host localhost.
The following tapes are needed: DailySet1-3

Extracting files using tape drive cback://amandatest/vtape/DailySet1 on
host localhost.
Load tape DailySet1-3 now
Continue [?/Y/n/s/d]? y

[this is where it just hangs up]

Other info:

/var/log/amanda/log.error/  is empty

(As an aside, there are a large multitude of various log files - is there
an amanda command that parses them all to look for errors and reports them?)

[amandabackup@cback ~]$ ls -l /amandatest/vtape/DailySet1/slot3/
total 300
-rw-------. 1 amandabackup disk  32768 Nov 13 15:15 00000.DailySet1-3
-rw-------. 1 amandabackup disk  33062 Nov 13 15:15
-rw-------. 1 amandabackup disk 234609 Nov 13 15:15

[amandabackup@cback ~]$ amreport DailySet1
Hostname: cback.uphs.upenn.edu
Org     : DailySet1
Config  : DailySet1
Date    : November 13, 2013

These dumps were to tape DailySet1-3.
The next 2 tapes Amanda expects to use are: 2 new tapes.
The next 2 new tapes already labelled are: DailySet1-4, DailySet1-5

                          Total       Full      Incr.   Level:#
                        --------   --------   --------  --------
Estimate Time (hrs:min)     0:00
Run Time (hrs:min)          0:00
Dump Time (hrs:min)         0:00       0:00       0:00
Output Size (meg)            0.2        0.2        0.0
Original Size (meg)          1.3        1.3        0.0
Avg Compressed Size (%)     14.5       14.5        --
DLEs Dumped                    2          2          0
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)       1010.3     1010.3        --

Tape Time (hrs:min)         0:00       0:00       0:00
Tape Size (meg)              0.2        0.2        0.0
Tape Used (%)                0.0        0.0        0.0
DLEs Taped                     2          2          0
Parts Taped                    2          2          0
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)    985.0      985.0        --

  Label               Time         Size      %  DLEs Parts
  DailySet1-3         0:00           0G    0.0     2     2

  planner: Adding new disk cslim.uphs.upenn.edu:/amandatestdata/.
  taper: Slot 2 is empty, autolabel not set
  taper: Slot 3 with label DailySet1-3 is usable
  taper: tape DailySet1-3 kb 197 fm 2 [OK]

HOSTNAME             DISK             L ORIG-GB  OUT-GB  COMP%  MMM:SS
KB/s MMM:SS   KB/s
--------------------------------------- ----------------------
-------------- -------------
cfile.uphs.upenn.edu /jet/admin/temp/ 0       0       0   14.6    0:00
1304.1   0:00 1970.0
cslim.uphs.upenn.edu /amandatestdata/ 0       0       0   10.0    0:00
22.5   0:00    0.0

(brought to you by Amanda version 3.3.4)

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