Amanda 3.3.4


I'm confused about using glob patterns in disklist. Am I right that if I
use dumptype include and exclude directives, I can use shell globbing?

This is part of my disklist: jet-grosspeople-0-g /jet {
   #Get everything ^[0-9] and ^[a-zA-Z]
   include "./grosspeople"
   exclude "./grosspeople/[h-zH-Z]*"
   } jet-grosspeople-h-z /jet {
   include "./grosspeople/[h-zH-Z]*"
   exclude "./grosspeople/Volumetric"
   } jet-grosspeople-Volumetric /jet {
   include "./grosspeople/Volumetric"

My log shows me this warning:

STRANGE dumper jet-grosspeople-h-z 1 [sec 0.232 kb 10
kps 43.1 orig-kb 10]
  sendbackup: start [ level 1]
  sendbackup: info BACKUP=/bin/gtar
  sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/bin/gtar -xpGf - ...
  sendbackup: info end
  ? /bin/gtar: ./grosspeople/[h-zH-Z]*: Warning: Cannot stat: No such file
or directory
  ? /bin/gtar: ./grosspeople/[h-zH-Z]*: Warning: Cannot stat: No such file
or directory
  | Total bytes written: 10240 (10KiB, 41MiB/s)
  sendbackup: size 10
  sendbackup: end

If I do a shell glob manually on the client, e.g. 'echo
/jet/grosspeople/[h-zH-Z]*', there's no warning and it shows the list of

Interestingly, it does not complain about the same glob in the
 jet-grosspeople-0-g DLE. And, the reported size from 'amstatus jet1' of
the jet-grosspeople-0-g DLE looks to match the size I expect if the
'exclude "./grosspeople/[h-zH-Z]*"' directive was properly exectued.

Anyone know why this might be be responding differently to the same glob?

As an aside (or possibly related?) the case-sensitivity of globbing on my
client is not behaving how I'd expect. e.g. 'echo [a-c]*' includes files
that start with capital A-B, which I don't expect. Files starting with C
are *not* listed. My shell option nocaseglob is off, and I've tried setting
and unsetting it just to test. Nothing changes. I'll post about this last
bit to another list too.

Thanks for any thoughts.


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