Hi Paul,

Thanks and, yes, that was it. The community package to which you refer works.

Note that RHEL7/CentOS7 now use systemd extensively and amanda backup 
networking is handled by
amanda.socket in their native packages (i.e. they do not use xinetd). The 
community package still
uses xinetd. Are there any plans to update the community packages to use the 
systemd structure?

Kind regards,

On 23/09/15 10:36, Paul Yeatman wrote:
> Hi Tom!
> It sounds like either Amanda was not compiled on the client when "dump"
> was installed or you are using an Amanda package that does not have
> "dump" built-in (was not compiled on a host with "dump") which I
> understand is true for the Amanda package in the CentOS 7 repo.  If you
> want to use "dump" on this host, you will need to compile Amanda on the
> host now that "dump" is installed or use a package from another source
> that has "dump" built-in such as the community packages from Zmanda:
> http://www.zmanda.com/downloads/community/Amanda/3.3.7/Redhat_Enterprise_7.0/amanda-backup_client-3.3.7-1.rhel7.x86_64.rpm
> Cheers!
> On Wed, 2015-09-23 at 09:05 +1000, Tom Robinson wrote:
>> CentOS 5, amanda server 2.6.0p2-1.rhel5
>> CentOS 7, amanda client 3.3.3-13.el7
>> Hi,
>> I'm configuring a new client into our backups with two GNUTAR based DLEs and 
>> one DUMP based DLE. The
>> DUMP based one fails:
>> client /var     {
>>         auth "bsdtcp"
>>         nocomp-root
>> }
>> Here are the dumptypes:
>> define dumptype global {
>>     comment "Global definitions"
>>     index yes
>> }
>> define dumptype comp-root {
>>     global
>>     comment "Root partitions with compression"
>>     compress client fast
>>     priority low
>> }
>> define dumptype 
>> nocomp-roohttp://www.zmanda.com/downloads/community/Amanda/3.3.7/Redhat_Enterprise_7.0/amanda-backup_client-3.3.7-1.rhel7.x86_64.rpmt
>>  {
>>     comp-root
>>     comment "Root partitions without compression"
>>     compress none
>> }
>> When I run a client check I get this error on the server:
>> $ amcheck daily -c client
>> Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
>> --------------------------------
>> ERROR: client: [DUMP program not available]
>> ERROR: client: [RESTORE program not available]
>> Client check: 1 host checked in 0.138 seconds.  2 problems found.
>> (brought to you by Amanda 2.6.0p2)
>> Yet on the client I have dump installed:
>> $ rpm -qa | grep dump
>> dump-0.4-0.22.b44.el7.x86_64
>> $ which restore
>> /usr/sbin/restore
>> $ which dump
>> /usr/sbin/dump
>> $ ls -l /usr/sbin/{dump,restore}
>> -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root  83616 Jun 10  2014 /usr/sbin/dump
>> -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 129392 Jun 10  2014 /usr/sbin/restore
>> $ ls -l /sbin/{dump,restore}
>> -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root  83616 Jun 10  2014 /sbin/dump
>> -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 129392 Jun 10  2014 /sbin/restore
>> And selinux is usually on but I have it off for this test:
>> $ getenforce
>> Permissive
>> AFAICT I have dump installed but there seems to be an error in executing it. 
>> When the backup runs
>> the sendsize log on the client I shows:
>> ...8<...
>> Tue Sep 22 20:00:02 2015: thd-0x7f6298019e00: sendsize: waiting for any 
>> estimate child: 1 running
>> Tue Sep 22 20:00:02 2015: thd-0x7f6298019e00: sendsize: calculating for 
>> amname /var, dirname /var,
>> spindle -1 DUMP
>> Tue Sep 22 20:00:02 2015: thd-0x7f6298019e00: sendsize: getting size via 
>> dump for /var level 0
>> Tue Sep 22 20:00:02 2015: thd-0x7f6298019e00: sendsize: calculating for 
>> device /var with
>> Tue Sep 22 20:00:02 2015: thd-0x7f6298019e00: sendsize: critical (fatal): no 
>> dump program available
>> /lib64/libamanda-3.3.3.so(+0x2b707)[0x7f62963f3707]
>> /lib64/libglib-2.0.so.0(g_logv+0x1b1)[0x7f62951419c1]
>> /lib64/libglib-2.0.so.0(g_log+0x8f)[0x7f6295141c5f]
>> /usr/lib64/amanda/sendsize(getsize_dump+0x344)[0x7f6296cbdad4]
>> /usr/lib64/amanda/sendsize(dump_calc_estimates+0x95)[0x7f6296cbdb85]
>> /usr/lib64/amanda/sendsize(calc_estimates+0x2b6)[0x7f6296cc1c86]
>> /usr/lib64/amanda/sendsize(main+0x151a)[0x7f6296cbc6fa]
>> /lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf5)[0x7f6293b8eaf5]
>> /usr/lib64/amanda/sendsize(+0x47a9)[0x7f6296cbc7a9]
>> Tue Sep 22 20:00:02 2015: thd-0x7f6298019e00: sendsize: child 502 exited 
>> with status 1
>> Tue Sep 22 20:00:02 2015: thd-0x7f6298019e00: sendsize: pid 483 finish time 
>> Tue Sep 22 20:00:02 2015
>> ...8<...
>> Is this a permissions issue or am I missing a library? Can anyone please 
>> shed some light on this?
>> Kind regards,
>> Tom

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