It's amazing that a utility like dump/restore, which has been part of UNIX since forever, can reach the state where it's considered a dead project and be

- Stefan.

On Thu, 24 Sep 2015, Heiko Schlittermann wrote:

Hi Tom,

Tom Robinson <> (Mi 23 Sep 2015 01:05:39 CEST):
CentOS 5, amanda server 2.6.0p2-1.rhel5
CentOS 7, amanda client 3.3.3-13.el7

I'm configuring a new client into our backups with two GNUTAR based DLEs and 
one DUMP based DLE. The
DUMP based one fails:

Once I was writing a 'dump' Amanda plugin, until I discovered that

   - support from maintainer of Dump just does not exist
   - Dump seems to be a dead project

And from my point of view fatally:

   - Dump created dumps that restore couldn't open. It wasn't
     restores's fault, the dumps where already output broken.

Thus I'd strongly recommend not to use dump for any sort of a backup you
may need one day.

   Best regards from Dresden/Germany
   Viele Grüße aus Dresden
   Heiko Schlittermann
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