On 08/10/17 04:53 AM, Henrik Johansson wrote:
Hi again,

I checked this list once again and a similar problem (attached).

Mathias reported that the patch I posted fixed the issue.
Have you tried the patch that was posted on that thread?


My server has CentOS-7 and the problem started after the upgrade:
    Updated amanda-3.3.3-17.el7.x86_64                               @base
    Update 3.3.3-18.el7.x86_64                               @base
    Updated amanda-client-3.3.3-17.el7.x86_64                        @base
    Update 3.3.3-18.el7.x86_64                        @base
    Updated amanda-libs-3.3.3-17.el7.x86_64                          @base
    Update 3.3.3-18.el7.x86_64                          @base
    Updated amanda-server-3.3.3-17.el7.x86_64                        @base
    Update 3.3.3-18.el7.x86_64                        @base

I've tried to downgrade, but the old package aren't available.


On 2017-10-04 23:11, Henrik Johansson wrote:
> Hi,
> Backup of my workstation are only partial, I  need som help where to
> check.
> Are there a combination of more than one problem?
> Extract from the email-report:
> centos7.opistogo.se <http://centos7.opistogo.se> / lev 1 FAILED [data read: recv error: Resource
> temporarily unavailable]
> centos7.opistogo.se <http://centos7.opistogo.se> / lev 1 was successfully retried > uw000140.kank.se <http://uw000140.kank.se> /boot lev 0 FAILED [data read: recv error:
> Resource temporarily unavailable]
> uw000140.kank.se <http://uw000140.kank.se> /boot lev 0 FAILED [data read: recv error:
> Resource temporarily unavailable]
> uw000140.kank.se <http://uw000140.kank.se> /boot lev 0 partial taper: successfully taped a
> partial dump
> The client centos7 are on same subnet as the backup-server.
> The client uw000140 are on an other subnet with a firewall between
> backup-server and client.
> In the debug-files on uw000140, i found lots of "write error
> to"-messages:
> [root@uw000140 ~]# egrep -c " write error to: Bad file descriptor"
> /var/log/amanda/amandad/amandad.201710040*
> /var/log/amanda/client/DailySet1/*.201710040* | egrep -v ':0$'
> /var/log/amanda/amandad/amandad.20171004004901.debug:743574
> /var/log/amanda/amandad/amandad.20171004005007.debug:8695
> /var/log/amanda/amandad/amandad.20171004005033.debug:8530
> /var/log/amanda/amandad/amandad.20171004005055.debug:746479
> /var/log/amanda/amandad/amandad.20171004005250.debug:2259690
> /var/log/amanda/amandad/amandad.20171004005346.debug:2259069
> [root@uw000140 ~]# egrep -c " write error to: Connection reset by
> peer" /var/log/amanda/amandad/amandad.201710040*
> /var/log/amanda/client/DailySet1/*.201710040* | egrep -v ':0$'
> /var/log/amanda/amandad/amandad.20171004004901.debug:1
> /var/log/amanda/amandad/amandad.20171004005007.debug:1
> /var/log/amanda/amandad/amandad.20171004005033.debug:1
> /var/log/amanda/amandad/amandad.20171004005346.debug:1
> [root@uw000140 ~]# egrep -c " write error to: Broken pipe"
> /var/log/amanda/amandad/amandad.201710040*
> /var/log/amanda/client/DailySet1/*.201710040* | egrep -v ':0$'
> /var/log/amanda/amandad/amandad.20171004004901.debug:2
> /var/log/amanda/amandad/amandad.20171004005007.debug:12
> /var/log/amanda/amandad/amandad.20171004005033.debug:14
> /var/log/amanda/amandad/amandad.20171004005055.debug:1
> /var/log/amanda/amandad/amandad.20171004005250.debug:1
> /var/log/amanda/amandad/amandad.20171004005346.debug:8
> Regards,
> Henrik


Henrik Johansson

E-mail: henrik.johansson.k...@mail.se
Voice: +46 924 50129
Mobile: +46 70 555 9998
S Prästholm 799, S-955 91 Råneå, Sweden

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