>>>>> "HJ" == Henrik Johansson <henrik.johansson.k...@mail.se> writes:

HJ> Are there any known release-plans for amanda on CentOS-7?

That is up to Red Hat (since CentOS almost certainly won't diverge from
them in this instance).  They will not disclose any future plans, and
honestly I doubt they would ever push an update to a more recent
version.  They're not completely compatible so someone would need to 

You can, of course, build your own packages or just build from source.
The Fedora packages will build fine; I just did a test build of the
rawhide package on EL7.  The server package can't be installed due to a
missing dependency on the Perl Dancer2 package, but the client packages
should install without error.  I haven't tested any further than that,

 - J<

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