
Extract some lines from the report:
*** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [/usr/lib64/amanda/chg-disk: need 'rwx' access to '/etc/amanda/DailySet1'].
There are 76842540K of dumps left in the holding disk.
Run amflush to flush them to tape.

The next tape Amanda expects to use is: DailySet1-18.
  uw000140.kank.se / lev 1  STRANGE (see below)
  uw000140.kank.se /home lev 1  STRANGE (see below)
uw000140.kank.se    /           1  3703760  3703760     --    8:12 7525.0
uw000140.kank.se    /boot       1       40       40     --    0:00 347.0
uw000140.kank.se    /home       1 72334740 72334740     --  136:56 8803.9

I've changed owner and group of /etc/amanda/DailySet1, and started 'amflush DailySet1'.
'amflush DailySet1' moved 46 GB to DailySet1-18.


On 2017-10-08 22:33, Jon LaBadie wrote:
On Sun, Oct 08, 2017 at 10:53:35AM +0200, Henrik Johansson wrote:
Hi again,

I checked this list once again and a similar problem (attached).
My server has CentOS-7 and the problem started after the upgrade:
     Updated amanda-3.3.3-17.el7.x86_64                               @base
     Update 3.3.3-18.el7.x86_64                               @base
     Updated amanda-client-3.3.3-17.el7.x86_64                        @base
     Update 3.3.3-18.el7.x86_64                        @base
     Updated amanda-libs-3.3.3-17.el7.x86_64                          @base
     Update 3.3.3-18.el7.x86_64                          @base
     Updated amanda-server-3.3.3-17.el7.x86_64                        @base
     Update 3.3.3-18.el7.x86_64                        @base

I've tried to downgrade, but the old package aren't available.

I too am running my amanda server on CentOS7.

I do not remember the symptoms but I could not get the CentOS
packages running to my satisfaction.  It may have been that
I could not get "on demand" backup from laptops with the
CentOS packages.

I elected to remove the CentOS packages and install a package
from the Zamanda website built for RHEL7.  The version I
installed was 3.4.1-1 and there are several newer versions
available now.

The changeover for me was painless.  I don't think I had to
make a single configuration change.  YMMV.

BTW I run with both user "amanda" and "amandabackup".  I.e.
separate /etc/{passwd,group} entries but same user data.
I started this at a time when the OS packages used amanda
and the Zmanda packages used amandabackup.  Now it is just
easier to "su amanda" rather than "su amandabackup"  :))



Henrik Johansson

E-mail:   henrik.johansson.k...@mail.se
Voice:    +46 924 50129
Mobile:   +46 70 555 9998
S Prästholm 799, S-955 91 Råneå, Sweden

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