On Sun, May 20, 2018 at 08:44:03AM -0600, ghe wrote:
> On 05/20/2018 12:55 AM, Jon LaBadie wrote:
> > I have one system that will be down for an unknown time.
> > 
> > How best to stop amanda from trying, and failing, to
> > back up the DLEs of that system.  Is it as simple as
> > commenting out the DLEs?  
> How about turning the cron job off and on?

There are still 25 other DLEs to back up.
I guess I could modify the cronjob to specify the
hosts to backup.

Jon H. LaBadie                 j...@jgcomp.com
 11226 South Shore Rd.          (703) 787-0688 (H)
 Reston, VA  20190              (703) 935-6720 (C)

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