On Tuesday 30 October 2018 15:29:37 Nathan Stratton Treadway wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 14:20:55 -0400, Chris Nighswonger wrote:
> > Why in the world does Amanda plan level 0 backups for all entries in
> > a DLE for the same run???? This causes all sorts of problems.
> >
> > Is there any solution for this? I've read some of the creative
> > suggestions, but it seems a bunch of trouble.
> The operation of Amanda's planner depends on many inputs, both "fixed"
> (e.g. configuration options) and constantly-varying (e.g. estimate
> sizes and dump history), and I suspect there are only a few people in
> the world who really understand it fully -- and I don't know how many
> of them still read this mailing list :(.  But even one of those people
> would probably need to look at a lot of information in order to know
> what exactly was going on.
> The good news is that I have noticed that the planner records a bunch
> of interesting information in the amdump.DATETIMESTAMP log file, so at
> least that seems like the place to start investigated.  Look in
> particular for the following sections: DONE QUEUE, ANALYZING
> In your case, it seems likely that the  PROMOTING DUMPS section should
> have a bunch of activity listed; if so, that might explain what it's
> "thinking".
> If that doesn't give a clear answer, does the INITIAL SCHEDULE section
> show all the dumps are already scheduled for level 0?  If not, pick a
> DLE that is not shown at level 0 there and follow it down the log to
> see if you can figure out what stage bumps it back to level 0...
> On a different track of investigation, the  output of "amadmin CONFIG
> balance" might show something useful (though off hand it seems
> unlikely to explain why _all_ DLEs would be switched to level 0).
> Let us know what you find out :)
>                                                               Nathan
I just changed the length of the dumpcycle and runs percycle up to 10, 
about last friday while I was makeing the bump* stuff more attractive, 
but the above command returns that the are 5 filesystens out of date:
su amanda -c "/usr/local/sbin/amadmin Daily balance"

 due-date  #fs    orig MB     out MB   balance
10/30 Tue    5          0          0      ---
10/31 Wed    1      17355       8958    -45.3%
11/01 Thu    2      10896      10887    -33.5%
11/02 Fri    4      35944       9298    -43.2%
11/03 Sat    4      14122      10835    -33.8%
11/04 Sun    3      57736      57736   +252.7%
11/05 Mon    2      39947      30635    +87.1%
11/06 Tue    8       4235       4215    -74.3%
11/07 Wed    4      19503      14732    -10.0%
11/08 Thu   32      31783      16408     +0.2%
TOTAL       65     231521     163704     16370
  (estimated 10 runs per dumpcycle)
 (5 filesystems overdue. The most being overdue 20 days.)

That last line is disturbing. Ideas anyone? I'll certainly keep an eye on 

Cheers & thanks, Gene Heskett
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