On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 15:51:36 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> I just changed the length of the dumpcycle and runs percycle up to 10, 
> about last friday while I was makeing the bump* stuff more attractive, 
> but the above command returns that the are 5 filesystens out of date:
> su amanda -c "/usr/local/sbin/amadmin Daily balance"
>  due-date  #fs    orig MB     out MB   balance
> ----------------------------------------------
> 10/30 Tue    5          0          0      ---
> 10/31 Wed    1      17355       8958    -45.3%
> 11/01 Thu    2      10896      10887    -33.5%
> 11/02 Fri    4      35944       9298    -43.2%
> 11/03 Sat    4      14122      10835    -33.8%
> 11/04 Sun    3      57736      57736   +252.7%
> 11/05 Mon    2      39947      30635    +87.1%
> 11/06 Tue    8       4235       4215    -74.3%
> 11/07 Wed    4      19503      14732    -10.0%
> 11/08 Thu   32      31783      16408     +0.2%
> ----------------------------------------------
> TOTAL       65     231521     163704     16370
>   (estimated 10 runs per dumpcycle)
>  (5 filesystems overdue. The most being overdue 20 days.)
> That last line is disturbing. Ideas anyone? I'll certainly keep an eye on 
> it. 

Did you already run today's (10/30's) dump?  Assuming you are running
one dump per day, running the "balance" command after the dump has
occurred generates confusing output, because the output includes a line
for today's date but actually no (new) dumps will be happening today. 
So if you are able to run the balance command before a particular day's
dump (but on the day in question), the output is a little bit more

Anyway by "last line" are you talking about the "overdue" line? 
"amadmin ... due" should tell you which DLEs are overdue, and you can
then look back through through your Amanda Mail Reports to see if
there's any indication of why they are overdue (especially the one
that's 20 days overdue...)

Anyway, the other thing that jumps out from the above listing is the
line for 11/4, with a balance of 250%.  We can't tell from the listing
what the relatives sizes of the three DLEs in question are, though. 
Here's where a true Amanda expert could advise you better, but off hand
I'd guess that one particule one of those three DLEs is much larger than
all the rest of your DLEs and that fact is making it hard for the
planner to come up with 10 consecutive days of plans that when taken as
a group actually work out to functional cycle....

("amadmin ... due" should help you figure out which three DLEs are
scheduled for that day, if you don't already know off hand which one is
super large.) 

Hmmm, it would be interesting to know if the the super-large DLE is also
the one that's 20 days overdue.  Perhaps its so big it can't fit on a
tape, or something?


Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic region
Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -   http://www.ontko.com/
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