On 11/5/2018 1:05 PM, Chris Miller wrote:
Hi Folks,

I have four servers, henceforth AMANDA clients, that I need to backup and a lot of NAS space available. I'd like to configure AMANDA to treat each of the four AMANDA clients as if it were the only client, meaning each client should have it's own configuration which includes location for backup storage. I have a 3 TB staging disk on the AMANDA server. I have reasons for the individual treatment of clients that include off-site storage requirements and differing data sensitivity, so the simple solution is to be able to configure AMANDA to treat each client as a single case, so I can provide for proper security and custody of the backups. Can this be done?
Yes, just create a separate configuration for each client on the server (that is, a separate amanda.conf and disklist for each client, with each pair being in it's own sub-folder of your main amanda configuration directory). This is actually a pretty common practice a lot of places (for example, the company I work for has 3 separate configurations that run at different times overnight and have slightly different parameters for the actual backups). The only caveat is that you have to explicitly run dumps for each configuration, but that's really not that hard.

Please refer to the small table below. I have some basic questions, but the volume of documentation is difficult to grasp all at once, so please forgive what might seem like trivial questions; they are not yet trivial to me.

Using from the table below as an example:

 1. I think I define the length of my tapes to be the maximum for a
    given client backup, which is the size of a level 0 dump, which is
    135 GB for the example of Since I want to configure
    AMANDA to treat each client as an individual and not part of a
    collection of backup tasks, I assume AMANDA will use one vtape per
    client per night. Can this be done? How do I qualify configuration
    settings per client?
The main part of this should be answered by my comment above (if you have separate configurations, it's trivial to specify different settings for each client).

That said, you probably want the vtape size to be _larger_ than your current theoretical max backup size, because it's very hard to change the vtape 'size' after the fact, and if you run out of space the whole backup may fail. Keep in mind that vtapes only take up whatever space is necessary for the data being stored on them (plus a bit extra for the virtual label), so you can set this to an arbitrarily large value. As an example, the vtape configuration where I work specifies 2TB vtapes, because that's an amount I know for certain we will never hit in one run, even if everything is a level 0 backup.

 2. I have planned for one level 0 and five level 1 backups per week. Do
    I call this "a cycle"? I think I need 185 GB storage per "cycle" and
    this tells me how many "cycles", in this case, weeks, I can store
    before I have to re-use tapes. Does this mean I can plan on a 43
    cycle (week) retention of my backups? Will AMANDA append to tapes,
meaning can I put a full week on one vtape?This doesn't _quite_ line up with what Amanda calls a cycle, see my
comments on your next question for more info on that. Also, as mentioned above, assume you will need more space than you calculated, failed backups are a pain to deal with.

As far as taping, Amanda _never_ appends to a tape, it only ever rewrites whole tapes. While it's technically possible to get Amanda to pack all the data it can onto one tape across multiple runs, it's generally only a good idea to do this if you need to store backups on a very limited number of physical tapes because:

* It means that some of your backup data may sit around on the Amanda server for an extended period of time before being taped (if you're doing a full week's worth of backups on one tape, that level zero backup won't get taped until the end of the week).

* Amanda rewrites whole tapes. This means you will lose all backups on a tape when it gets reused.

Because you don't have any wasted storage space using vtapes, it's better to just plan on one vtape per run, specify a number appropriate for your retention requirements (plus a few extra to allow recovery from errors), and then just let Amanda run. Such a configuration is more reliable and significantly more predictable.

As another concrete example from the configuration where I work: We do 4 week cycles (so we have at least one level zero backup every 28 days for each disk list entry), do daily backups, and retain backups for 16 weeks. For our vtape configuration, this translates to requiring 112 tapes for all the current backups. We need to be able to access the oldest backups during the current cycle, so we have an additional cycle's worth of tapes as well (bringing the total up to 130). We also need to guarantee that if an error or two happens, it won't violate that retention requirement, so we added a couple of extra tapes as well, giving us a total of 132. This gets specified using the `tapecycle` parameter in the config.

 3. AMANDA will give me at least one level 0 dump per week per client. I
    think this means that my backup "cycle" is 7, but I'm not sure what
    this is called of where I define it. This can be global, for now,
    but I may have occasions where the "cycle" is different from 7.
Yes, your cycle would be 7 days. This is specified with the `dumpcycle` parameter in the config. The other important one here is `runspercycle`, which tells Amanda how many times it will _normally_ be run during that dumpcycle (Amanda actually does handle things reasonably well if you don't run backups exactly this many times in a cycle, as long as it's not a very frequent occurrence).

    Also, there will be one night a week, when AMANDA will not do a
    backup, because I will be doing a disk image backup, so I need to
    know how to turn off, say, Saturdays. (If there is a way to include
    a disk-image backup in AMANDA discipline, I would be very interested
    to read about it.)
Amanda doesn't issue the backups itself, you tell it to run them. Usually, people do this using cron. So, excluding one day is trivial (just don't tell Amanda to run a backup on that day).

So, somewhere I have to tellĀ  AMANDA "135 GB". "7", "185 GB" and "43", and I have to do something similar for each of my four clients. What are the names of the configuration settings, which have the values "135 GB", "7", "185 GB" and "43", and where do I put them so that they are qualified per client?
Level 0 (GB)    /*135*/ 135     40      40
Level 1 (GB)    10      10      5       5
Demand (0)      135     135     40      40
Demand (1)      50      50      25      25
Cycle? Total    /*185*/ 185     65      65
        /nas0/d0        /nas0/d1        /nas1/d0        /nas1/d1
        8       6       4       4
Cycles  /*43*/  32      62      62

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