On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 1:10 PM Gene Heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> wrote:

> First a snip/paste of my 3 new del's as I try to split a big one up:
> line entry
> 28 coyote /home/gene/PublicA/ Publicag {
> 29      comp-coyote-tar
> 30      include "./[a-g]*"
> 31      exclude "./[h-z]*"
> 32      } 1 local
> Try this variation:

coyote Publicag /home/gene/PublicA/ {
     include "./[a-g]*"
     exclude "./[h-z]*"
     } 1 local

Syntax is:

hostname diskname diskdevice {

Kind regards,

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