Hi Charles,

> I think the simplest solution to your problem is to take Gene's advice
> and run the three backups in sequence, using a simple shell script.
> That is what I do. All these issues go away.

I don't think I understand your advice, via Gene.

To refresh your memory, I have three configs for three clients which 
effectively backup each to it's own vtape pool:
        c0.tclc.org --> nas0.tclc.org
        c1.tclc.org --> nas1.tclc.org
        c2.tclc.org --> nas2.tclc.org

I am working with a one week backup cycle -- seven backups, during which each 
of the three clients must complete a level 0 backup. 

If I run three backups, serial or otherwise, then do they know about each 
other? Meaning, is AMANDA smart enough to know not to run more than one level 0 
dump per night? The problem is that level 0 backups take several hours and if I 
run multiple then I will still be completing last nights backup when everybody 
comes in the next morning. That would be embarrassing. "Sorry, I didn't 
complete my work last night, so you can't continue yours."

It seems like I should be able to combine my several configs into a single 
config so AMANDA will actually know the full scope of the problem and schedule 
accordingly, but I don't understand enough of the configuration discipline to 
describe multiple DLE --> vtape mappings to run in a single AMANDA execution. I 
think this comes from "disklist" having a list, but amanda.conf having only one 
tapedev. Even if there were latitude to define multiple tapedev, I don't see 
syntax that would map a set of DLEs to each tapedev. For example, can I specify 
the "disklist" in the definition of the tapedev? Unfortunately "man tapedev" 
does not produce anything. Is there, for example a BNF definition of syntax for 
tapedev anywhere?

Thanks for the help, Charles.


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