On 2018-11-26 13:34, Chris Nighswonger wrote:
So in one particular configuration I have the following lines:

inparallel 10
dumporder "STSTSTSTST"

I would assume that that amanda would spawn 10 dumpers in parallel and
execute them giving priority to largest size and largest time
alternating. I would assume that amanda would do some sort of sorting
of the DLEs based on size and time, set them in descending order, and
the run the first 10 based on the list thereby utilizing all 10
permitted dumpers in parallel.

However, based on the amstatus excerpt below, it looks like amanda
simply starts with the largest size and runs the DLEs one at a time,
not making efficient use of parallel dumpers at all. This has the
unhappy results at times of causing amdump to be running when the next
backup is executed.

I have changed the dumporder to STSTStstst for tonight's run to see if
that makes any  difference. But I don't have much hope it will.

Any thoughts?
Is this all for one host? If so, that's probably your issue. By default, Amanda will only run at most one DLE per host at a time. You can change this in the dump settings, but I forget what the exact configuration parameter is.

The other possibility that comes to mind is that your bandwidth settings are making Amanda decide to limit to one dumper at a time. You can easily test that by just setting the `netusage` parameter to an absurdly large value like 1073741824 (equivalent to one Tbit/s).

Kind regards,

 From Mon Nov 26 01:00:01 EST 2018

1   4054117k waiting for dumping
1      6671k waiting for dumping
1       222k waiting for dumping
1      2568k waiting for dumping
1      6846k waiting for dumping
1    125447k waiting for dumping
1     91372k waiting for dumping
1        92k waiting for dumping
1        32k waiting for dumping
1        32k waiting for dumping
1        32k waiting for dumping
1        32k waiting for dumping
1    290840k waiting for dumping
1     76601k waiting for dumping
1        86k waiting for dumping
1     71414k waiting for dumping
0  44184811k waiting for dumping
1       281k waiting for dumping
1      6981k waiting for dumping
1        50k waiting for dumping
1     86968k waiting for dumping
1     81649k waiting for dumping
1    359952k waiting for dumping
0 198961004k dumping 159842848k ( 80.34%) (7:23:39)
1     73966k waiting for dumping
1    821398k waiting for dumping
1    674198k waiting for dumping
0 233106841k dump done (7:23:37), waiting for writing to tape
1        32k waiting for dumping
1        32k waiting for dumping
1    166876k waiting for dumping
1        32k waiting for dumping
1    170895k waiting for dumping
1    162817k waiting for dumping
0 failed: planner: [Request to client failed: Connection timed out]
1        32k waiting for dumping
1        32k waiting for dumping
0        53k waiting for dumping
0  77134628k waiting for dumping
1      2911k waiting for dumping
1        36k waiting for dumping
1        32k waiting for dumping
1     84935k waiting for dumping

SUMMARY          part      real  estimated
                            size       size
partition       :  43
estimated       :  42            559069311k
flush           :   0         0k
failed          :   1                    0k           (  0.00%)
wait for dumping:  40            128740001k           ( 23.03%)
dumping to tape :   0                    0k           (  0.00%)
dumping         :   1 159842848k 198961004k ( 80.34%) ( 28.59%)
dumped          :   1 233106841k 231368306k (100.75%) ( 41.70%)
wait for writing:   1 233106841k 231368306k (100.75%) ( 41.70%)
wait to flush   :   0         0k         0k (100.00%) (  0.00%)
writing to tape :   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
failed to tape  :   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
taped           :   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
9 dumpers idle  : 0
taper status: Idle
taper qlen: 1
network free kps:         0
holding space   : 436635431k ( 50.26%)
chunker0 busy   :  6:17:03  ( 98.28%)
  dumper0 busy   :  6:17:03  ( 98.28%)
  0 dumpers busy :  0:06:34  (  1.72%)                   0:  0:06:34  (100.00%)
  1 dumper busy  :  6:17:03  ( 98.28%)                   0:  6:17:03  (100.00%)

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