On Sun, May 12, 2019 at 03:27:54 +0000, Chris Hassell wrote:
> Try the branch "3_5".  That has build fixes that should let it work more
> easily.


As far as I noticed you haven't actually mentioned anything on the list
about working on a 3.5.2 release, but hopefully your build fixes are
part of work in that direction....

Assuming so, I wanted to bring to your attention a handful of patches
which are currently included of the official Debian Amanda packages but
which are not at all Debian specific and should be included upstream.

You can find the full set of patches in the source repo on Salsa, i.e.
in your web broswer at:

Many of the patches are Debian-specific and can be ignored here.

Of the rest, a few have already made it into the Zmanda repo after 3.5.1,
but I'll mention them here so you can double check that they are indeed
included in 3.5.2 when you go to release that:

20-fix-robot.pm      commit 2cd18346

24-for-jose-server   commit b0478450
26-driver-fix-crash  commit e29b4e86

The rest don't appear to be committed:

  this one doesn't have a source/author listed, but it's dated a couple
  weeks after the commit for the 24-for-jose-server change and touches
  the same file, so I am guessing it might have come out of the same
  (off-list) conversation with Jean-Louis....

  this patch was written by Jean-Louis in response to an amanda-hackers
  thread, but doesn't seem to have made it into the repo.  (It has been
  working well for me since he wrote it.)
    Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 14:49:02 +0000                                       
    Subject: Re: lexical.pm last_use_label ignores "storage" field on tapelist  

  I wrote this patch too late for Jean-Louis to review it, but it
  successfully resolved the related bug for myself and at least for
  Gene, I believe... (Anyway, hopefully the attached write-up makes it
  fairly easy for some new Amanda developer to give it a review.)
    Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2018 18:00:41 -0500                                        
    Subject: Re: Amanda "info on small DLEs not saved" bug -- proposed patch    



Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic region
Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -   http://www.ontko.com/
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