On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 14:37:15 +0000, Chris Hassell wrote:
> On 5/22/19 11:47 AM, Nathan Stratton Treadway wrote:
> > You can find the full set of patches in the source repo on Salsa, i.e.
> > in your web broswer at:
> >   https://salsa.debian.org/debian/amanda/tree/master/debian/patches
> I just pushed a branch up (3_5-deb-patches or something) that includes
> their latest work against their "master".

Great, thanks.

I see you pushed up all their patches, even the Debian-specific ones;
obviously that's fine for a branch -- just don't end up merging all of
them over to "upstream"... :)

I noticed that the commit message for the commit on your branch is
  current patches in debian/1%3.4.2-1-68-gb5bc94c2b
, which is technically correct... but to avoid possible confusion it
seems worth mentioning that the patches included in it actually come
from the Debian v3.5.1 package (there just hasn't been a new git tag
created in that repo since "debian/1%3.4.2-1").


Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic region
Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -   http://www.ontko.com/
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