On Thursday 05 September 2019 08:54:37 Gene Heskett wrote:

> On Thursday 05 September 2019 08:06:19 Nathan Stratton Treadway wrote:
> > On Thu, Sep 05, 2019 at 04:14:43 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > Looks like its worse than I thought.  While amcheck was happy,
> > > picnc crashed on the first access last night.
> > >
> > > >From the email:
> > >
> > >   picnc / lev 1  FAILED [data timeout]
> > >   picnc / lev 1  FAILED [[request failed: No route to host]]
> > >   picnc / lev 1  FAILED [dumper TRYAGAIN: [request failed: No
> > > route to host]]
> >
> > These messages are also consistent with the case that picnc had
> > already crashed before the Amanda run first started, so check the
> > logs on picnc carefully to establish the timeline of events.
> >
> > (If in fact there is evidence that the crash was related to Amanda
> > starting up on the client side, that's definitely not related to the
> > "new reject msg" issue, so it's probably best to start a new thread
> > for the crash issue...)
> >
> >                                                     Nathan
> It was running just fine an hour before the backup started, as I had
> another missing excludes file msg from amcheck, and had created
> the /GenesAmandaHelper-0.61 directory, and had touched the excludes
> file therein. I had not made any entries in that tile so it would
> exclude such as /sys or /proc from the / dle. I suspect that allowing
> tar to scan /proc may have lead to the crash, as I note that /boot is
> absent from this report so it, /boot, being first in the dle list was
> probably done ok. Debian-arm does not use "u-boot", but uses grub,
> another huge advantage IMO.
> I won't have a chance to do much about it until much later today, my
> truck is in need of its annual inspection, (might need front disks)
> and I have a dental appointment at 2P in Bridgeport, 30 some minutes
> north up the sooperslab.  Stuff I need to get done before the
> additional heart work.
> By the time I take care of the missus, I'll be about bushed for the
> day.
I did manage to get picnc rebooted, and the excludes file's data 
formatted, listed everything that should be excluded, except 
possibly ./dev. I'll add that next.

But this time the failure was 100%, it crashed apparently on the first 
amanda access:

  picnc / lev 0  FAILED [data timeout]
  picnc / lev 0  FAILED [[request failed: No route to host]]
  picnc / lev 0  FAILED [dumper TRYAGAIN: [request failed: No route to 

# this above dle used an excludes that included all further entries below
# as well as ./proc and ./sys.  I'll add ./dev just for grins next.

  picnc /boot lev 0  FAILED [[request failed: No route to host]]
  picnc /boot lev 0  FAILED [dumper TRYAGAIN: [request failed: No route 
to host]]
  picnc /boot lev 0  FAILED [[request failed: No route to host]]
  picnc /boot lev 0  FAILED [dumper TRYAGAIN: [request failed: No route 
to host]]
  picnc /media/workpi1 lev 0  FAILED [[request failed: No route to host]]
  picnc /media/workpi1 lev 0  FAILED [dumper TRYAGAIN: [request failed: 
No route to host]]
  picnc /media/workpi1 lev 0  FAILED [[request failed: No route to host]]
  picnc /media/workpi1 lev 0  FAILED [dumper TRYAGAIN: [request failed: 
No route to host]]
  picnc /media/backuppi lev 0  FAILED [[request failed: No route to 
  picnc /media/backuppi lev 0  FAILED [dumper TRYAGAIN: [request failed: 
No route to host]]
  picnc /media/backuppi lev 0  FAILED [[request failed: No route to 
  picnc /media/backuppi lev 0  FAILED [dumper TRYAGAIN: [request failed: 
No route to host]]
  picnc /media/bootpi lev 0  FAILED [[request failed: No route to host]]
  picnc /media/bootpi lev 0  FAILED [dumper TRYAGAIN: [request failed: No 
route to host]]
  picnc /media/bootpi lev 0  FAILED [[request failed: No route to host]]
  picnc /media/bootpi lev 0  FAILED [dumper TRYAGAIN: [request failed: No 
route to host]]
  picnc /media/work120 lev 0  FAILED [[request failed: No route to host]]
  picnc /media/work120 lev 0  FAILED [dumper TRYAGAIN: [request failed: 
No route to host]]
  picnc /media/work120 lev 0  FAILED [[request failed: No route to host]]
  picnc /media/work120 lev 0  FAILED [dumper TRYAGAIN: [request failed: 
No route to host]]

How do we next go about troubleshooting this?

Perhaps I should add that I had at one point a connected 4G 
memory "rock64" running "armbian" that was also crashed by any amanda 
access.  And it ran solid, until amanda touched it. Its been removed, 
and the net cable is now connected to a 2Gig rpi-4b, but not powered up 
as I'm having a usb problem on this machine and cannot get a debian-arm 
net install written to its boot u-sd.

Perhaps the usr merge in buster is confusing things?  IDK. jessie and 
stretch installations of raspbian on this same rpi-3b haven't had a 
problem with amanda.

Thanks all.

> > --------------------------------------------------------------------
> >-- ------ Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  - 
> > Mid-Atlantic region Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services
> >  -
> > http://www.ontko.com/ GPG Key:
> > http://www.ontko.com/~nathanst/gpg_key.txt   ID: 1023D/ECFB6239 Key
> > fingerprint = 6AD8 485E 20B9 5C71 231C  0C32 15F3 ADCD ECFB 6239
> Copyright 2019 by Maurice E. Heskett
> Cheers, Gene Heskett

Copyright 2019 by Maurice E. Heskett
Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

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