>> Nicklas wrote:
>> > Well they aren't, that's the catch. Any other ideas except 
>> using sql 
>> > lookups?
>> If you have a lot of dynamic data, you really should go to 
>> SQL. Any change to any static table will require you 
>> stop/start (or reload) amavisd-new in order to see the 
>> changes. Static tables are read into memory.
>> As far as static tables go, at any rate you will need one 
>> master blacklist file that contains all domains you wish to 
>> set up, with each domain using their own blacklist file.
>> One thing you could do is create a second configuration file 
>> that would contain only the blacklist master list. You would 
>> first place this code at the bottom of amavisd.conf (just 
>> before the last line):
>> # Want to execute additional configuration files from some directory?
>> { my($d) = '/etc/amavis/conf.d';  # do *.cf or *.conf files 
>> in this directory
>>   local(*D); opendir(D,$d) or die "Can't open dir $d: $!";
>>   my(@d) = sort grep {/\.(cf|conf)$/ && -f} map 
>> {/^(.*)$/,"$d/$1"} readdir(D);
>>   closedir(D) or die "Can't close $d: $!";
>>   for my $f (@d) {
>>     printf("Reading config file %s\n", $f); $!=0;
>>     if (defined(do $f)) {}
>>     elsif ($@ ne '') { die "Error in $f: $@" }
>>     elsif ($! != 0)  { die "Error reading $f: $!" }
>>   }
>> }
>> and then create a second configuration file, 
>> /etc/amavis/conf.d/blacklist.conf (for example) with the contents:
>> use strict;
>> # blacklist configuration file
>> # /etc/amavis/conf.d/blacklist.conf
>> $per_recip_blacklist_sender_lookup_tables = {
>>  '.example.com'    => read_hash("$MYHOME/example_blacklist"),
>>  '.example2.com'    => read_hash("$MYHOME/example2_blacklist"),
>> };
>> 1;  # insure a defined return
>> Also, Google for "what is top posting"
>> Gary V

Nicklas wrote:

> I'd like to do hard blacklisting. How do you reject / block the message from
> reaching the recipient. Now, it is just tagged as spam.

> Thanks,
> Nicklas B

Please place your replies at the bottom of the message, like I am

Does the X-Spam-Status header show something like:
X-Spam-Status: No, score=0 tag=x tag2=5 kill=7 BLACKLISTED

If so, then it should get quarantined. If not, then the sender is not
blacklisted (you need to check your setting for the sender).

If the recipient is a spam_lover, or you have set:
$final_spam_destiny       = D_PASS;
Then one copy will go to quarantine, and another to the recipient.

Gary V

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