Mark Martinec wrote:
> Per,
>> The incoming servers ARE listed in @mynetworks, the line "SPAM FROM
>> LOCAL ..." is correct in a sense but not really interesting, obviously
>> ALL incoming mail passes throughthe MX's first.
> You are right, the FROM LOCAL becomes useless information in such setup.
> The IP address of the client comes from Postfix in XFORWARD command,
> and in your case it is always the IP address of your front end MTA.
> Either concede and accept that any amavisd config setting based on
> @mynetworks (such as policy bank MYNETS) becomes useless,
> or somehow persuade first MTA to relay its information on IP client
> to the second MTA - the mechanism would be XCLIENT Postfix protocol
> extension, although I'm not sure what other implications it would have.
> Or invoke your content filtering by a front end MTA.
> The SA notion of trusted_networks and internal_networks is still useful
> and should still work in yuour setup. SA bases its DUL and SPF checks
> on information from Received header fields. Make sure the trusted_networks
> and internal_networks are correctly configured in

Thank you for your response. I have indeed noted that the actual 
filtering works flawlessly, one could argue that it is a cosmetic issue 
and the first upstream external server is present in the header 
information anyway.

How difficult would it be to make this an option in amavis? I am not a 
coder so I would not know. If there is a wishlist I would like to add 
this feature (being able to consider external hosts only in reporting), 
if not I guess I have expressed myself here and now.

Thank you for all your efforts and a great piece of software!

Per olof

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