Hi Gary,

here we are :O)

> Provide results from these:
ls -l /etc/amavisd/amavisd.conf
28 /etc/amavisd/amavisd.conf
ls -l /etc/amavisd.conf
0 /etc/amavisd.conf
it's a symlink
grep amavisd.conf /etc/init.d/amavisd

I guess they are right.

Here is the log with loglevel=5 and  amavisd started with the command
/usr/sbin/amavisd debug-sa

Argument "1,all" isn't numeric in numeric gt (>) at 
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/Mail/SpamAssassin.pm line 245.
debug: SpamAssassin version 3.0.6
debug: Score set 0 chosen.
debug: running in taint mode? yes
debug: Running in taint mode, removing unsafe env vars, and resetting PATH
debug: PATH included '/usr/local/sbin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/usr/local/bin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/usr/sbin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/sbin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/usr/bin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/bin', keeping.
debug: Final PATH set to: 
debug: ignore: test message to precompile patterns and load modules
debug: using "/etc/mail/spamassassin/init.pre" for site rules init.pre
debug: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/init.pre
debug: using "/usr/share/spamassassin" for default rules dir
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/10_misc.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_anti_ratware.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_body_tests.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_compensate.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_dnsbl_tests.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_drugs.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_fake_helo_tests.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_head_tests.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_html_tests.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_meta_tests.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_phrases.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_porn.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_ratware.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_uri_tests.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/23_bayes.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/25_body_tests_es.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/25_hashcash.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/25_spf.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/25_uribl.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/30_text_de.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/30_text_fr.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/30_text_nl.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/30_text_pl.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/50_scores.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/60_whitelist.cf
debug: using "/etc/mail/spamassassin" for site rules dir
debug: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf
debug: using "/var/spool/amavisd/.spamassassin/user_prefs" for user prefs 
debug: config: read file /var/spool/amavisd/.spamassassin/user_prefs
debug: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL from @INC
debug: plugin: registered 
debug: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Hashcash from @INC
debug: plugin: registered 
debug: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF from @INC
debug: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF=HASH(0x9f1bb40)
debug: plugin: Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL=HASH(0x9f06cdc) 
implements 'parse_config'
debug: plugin: Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Hashcash=HASH(0x9f0adec) 
implements 'parse_config'
debug: bayes: no dbs present, cannot tie DB R/O: 
debug: Score set 1 chosen.
debug: ---- MIME PARSER START ----
debug: main message type: text/plain
debug: parsing normal part
debug: added part, type: text/plain
debug: ---- MIME PARSER END ----
debug: bayes: no dbs present, cannot tie DB R/O: 
debug: metadata: X-Spam-Relays-Trusted:
debug: metadata: X-Spam-Relays-Untrusted:
debug: plugin: Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL=HASH(0x9f06cdc) 
implements 'parsed_metadata'
debug: is Net::DNS::Resolver available? yes
debug: Net::DNS version: 0.49
debug: trying (3) sun.com...
debug: looking up NS for 'sun.com'
debug: NS lookup of sun.com succeeded => Dns available (set dns_available to 
debug: is DNS available? 1
debug: decoding: no encoding detected
debug: URIDNSBL: domains to query:
debug: all '*From' addrs: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
debug: Running tests for priority: 0
debug: running header regexp tests; score so far=0
debug: registering glue method for check_hashcash_double_spend 
debug: registering glue method for check_for_spf_helo_pass 
debug: SPF: message was delivered entirely via trusted relays, not required
debug: registering glue method for check_hashcash_value 
debug: all '*To' addrs:
debug: registering glue method for check_for_spf_softfail 
debug: SPF: message was delivered entirely via trusted relays, not required
debug: registering glue method for check_for_spf_pass 
debug: registering glue method for check_for_spf_helo_softfail 
debug: registering glue method for check_for_spf_fail 
debug: registering glue method for check_for_spf_helo_fail 
debug: running body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=0.196
debug: running uri tests; score so far=0.196
debug: registering glue method for check_uridnsbl 
debug: Razor2 is available
debug: entering helper-app run mode
 Razor-Log: Computed razorhome from env: /var/spool/amavisd/.razor
 Razor-Log: Found razorhome: /var/spool/amavisd/.razor
 Razor-Log: No /var/spool/amavisd/.razor/razor-agent.conf found, skipping.
 Razor-Log: No razor-agent.conf found, using defaults.
Jul 15 15:38:30.756494 check[4774]: [ 2] [bootup] Logging initiated 
LogDebugLevel=9 to stdout
Jul 15 15:38:30.757035 check[4774]: [ 5] computed 
razorhome=/var/spool/amavisd/.razor, conf=, 
Jul 15 15:38:30.757267 check[4774]: [ 8] Client supported_engines: 4 8
Jul 15 15:38:30.757960 check[4774]: [ 8]  prep_mail done: mail 1 
headers=102, mime0=1376
Jul 15 15:38:30.758786 check[4774]: [ 5] read_file: 1 items read from 
Jul 15 15:38:30.765066 check[4774]: [ 5] read_file: 2 items read from 
Jul 15 15:38:30.765718 check[4774]: [ 5] read_file: 3 items read from 
Jul 15 15:38:30.766253 check[4774]: [ 9] Assigning defaults to 
Jul 15 15:38:30.766460 check[4774]: [ 9] Assigning defaults to 
Jul 15 15:38:30.766658 check[4774]: [ 9] Assigning defaults to 
Jul 15 15:38:30.766853 check[4774]: [ 9] Assigning defaults to 
Jul 15 15:38:30.767050 check[4774]: [ 9] Assigning defaults to 
Jul 15 15:38:30.768406 check[4774]: [ 5] read_file: 19 items read from 
Jul 15 15:38:30.769211 check[4774]: [ 5] read_file: 19 items read from 
Jul 15 15:38:30.775884 check[4774]: [ 5] read_file: 19 items read from 
Jul 15 15:38:30.776666 check[4774]: [ 5] read_file: 19 items read from 
Jul 15 15:38:30.777700 check[4774]: [ 5] read_file: 18 items read from 
Jul 15 15:38:30.778496 check[4774]: [ 5] read_file: 18 items read from 
Jul 15 15:38:30.778749 check[4774]: [ 5] server discovery overdue by 88408 
Jul 15 15:38:30.778869 check[4774]: [ 8] already have 1 discovery servers
Jul 15 15:38:30.778973 check[4774]: [ 8] Checking with Razor Discovery 
Server discovery.spamnet.com
Jul 15 15:38:30.779102 check[4774]: [ 6] No port specified, using 2703
Jul 15 15:38:30.779178 check[4774]: [ 5] Connecting to discovery.spamnet.com 
Jul 15 15:38:31.234390 check[4774]: [ 8] Connection established
Jul 15 15:38:31.234648 check[4774]: [ 4] discovery.spamnet.com >> 35 server 
greeting: sn=D&srl=514&a=l&a=cg&ep4=7542-10
Jul 15 15:38:31.234903 check[4774]: [ 4] discovery.spamnet.com << 12
Jul 15 15:38:31.234986 check[4774]: [ 6] a=g&pm=csl
Jul 15 15:38:31.463412 check[4774]: [ 4] discovery.spamnet.com >> 72
Jul 15 15:38:31.463522 check[4774]: [ 6] response to sent.1
Jul 15 15:38:31.463775 check[4774]: [ 8] Discovery Server 
discovery.spamnet.com replying with csl=shock.cloudmark.com
Jul 15 15:38:31.463859 check[4774]: [ 8] Discovery Server 
discovery.spamnet.com replying with csl=c101.cloudmark.com
Jul 15 15:38:31.463937 check[4774]: [ 8] Discovery Server 
discovery.spamnet.com replying with csl=c102.cloudmark.com
Jul 15 15:38:31.464116 check[4774]: [ 4] discovery.spamnet.com << 12
Jul 15 15:38:31.464192 check[4774]: [ 6] a=g&pm=nsl
Jul 15 15:38:31.690499 check[4774]: [ 4] discovery.spamnet.com >> 51
Jul 15 15:38:31.690594 check[4774]: [ 6] response to sent.2
Jul 15 15:38:31.690782 check[4774]: [ 8] Discovery Server 
discovery.spamnet.com replying with nsl=joy.cloudmark.com
Jul 15 15:38:31.690863 check[4774]: [ 8] Discovery Server 
discovery.spamnet.com replying with nsl=folly.cloudmark.com
Jul 15 15:38:31.691646 check[4774]: [ 5] wrote 3 ARRAY items to file: 
/var/spool/amavisd/.razor/servers.cataloguedebug: Using results from Razor 
debug: Found Razor2 part: part=0 engine=4 ct=0 cf=0
debug: leaving helper-app run mode
Jul 15 15:38:31.692005 check[4774]: [ 5] wrote 2 ARRAY items to file: 
Jul 15 15:38:31.692301 check[4774]: [ 6] c101.cloudmark.com is a Catalogue 
Server srl 5095; computed min_cf=21, Server se: C8
Jul 15 15:38:31.692550 check[4774]: [ 8] Computed supported_engines: 4 8
Jul 15 15:38:31.692687 check[4774]: [ 8] Using next closest server 
c101.cloudmark.com:2703, cached info srl 5095
Jul 15 15:38:31.692816 check[4774]: [ 8] mail 1 has no subject
Jul 15 15:38:31.693316 check[4774]: [ 6] preproc: mail 1.0 went from 1376 
bytes to 1339
Jul 15 15:38:31.693535 check[4774]: [ 6] computing sigs for mail 1.0, len 
Jul 15 15:38:31.696542 check[4774]: [ 6] Engine (8) didn't produce a 
signature for mail 1.0
Jul 15 15:38:31.696846 check[4774]: [ 6] skipping whitelist file (empty?): 
Jul 15 15:38:31.696977 check[4774]: [ 6] losing old server connection, 
discovery.spamnet.com, for new server, c101.cloudmark.com
Jul 15 15:38:31.697073 check[4774]: [ 5] disconnecting from server 
Jul 15 15:38:31.697292 check[4774]: [ 4] discovery.spamnet.com << 5
Jul 15 15:38:31.697369 check[4774]: [ 6] a=q
Jul 15 15:38:31.697570 check[4774]: [ 5] Connecting to c101.cloudmark.com 
Jul 15 15:38:32.159410 check[4774]: [ 8] Connection established
Jul 15 15:38:32.159783 check[4774]: [ 4] c101.cloudmark.com >> 36 server 
greeting: sn=C&srl=5095&a=l&a=cg&ep4=7542-10
Jul 15 15:38:32.160279 check[4774]: [ 4] c101.cloudmark.com << 25
Jul 15 15:38:32.160366 check[4774]: [ 6] cn=razor-agents&cv=2.77
Jul 15 15:38:32.160637 check[4774]: [ 6] c101.cloudmark.com is a Catalogue 
Server srl 5095; computed min_cf=21, Server se: C8
Jul 15 15:38:32.160891 check[4774]: [ 8] Computed supported_engines: 4 8
Jul 15 15:38:32.161068 check[4774]: [ 8] mail 1.0 e4 sig: 
Jul 15 15:38:32.161221 check[4774]: [ 5] mail 1.0 e8 got no sig
Jul 15 15:38:32.161350 check[4774]: [ 8] preparing 1 queries
Jul 15 15:38:32.161580 check[4774]: [ 8] sending 1 batches
Jul 15 15:38:32.161756 check[4774]: [ 4] c101.cloudmark.com << 52
Jul 15 15:38:32.161832 check[4774]: [ 6] 
Jul 15 15:38:32.563710 check[4774]: [ 4] c101.cloudmark.com >> 5
Jul 15 15:38:32.563886 check[4774]: [ 6] response to sent.5
Jul 15 15:38:32.564407 check[4774]: [ 6] mail 1.0 e=4 
sig=xFaZIZUVHk90OQfARnenjx5BZTMA: sig not found.
Jul 15 15:38:32.564532 check[4774]: [ 7] method 4: mail 1.0: no-contention 
part, spam=0
Jul 15 15:38:32.564617 check[4774]: [ 7] method 4: mail 1: all 
non-contention parts not spam, mail not spam
Jul 15 15:38:32.564699 check[4774]: [ 3] mail 1 is not known spam.
Jul 15 15:38:32.564794 check[4774]: [ 5] disconnecting from server 
Jul 15 15:38:32.564983 check[4774]: [ 4] c101.cloudmark.com << 5
Jul 15 15:38:32.565059 check[4774]: [ 6] a=q
debug: Razor2 results: spam? 0  highest cf score: 0
debug: plugin: Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL=HASH(0x9f06cdc) 
implements 'check_tick'
debug: running raw-body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=0.196
debug: running full-text regexp tests; score so far=0.196
debug: Razor2 is available
debug: Current PATH is: 
debug: executable for pyzor was found at /usr/bin/pyzor
debug: Pyzor is available: /usr/bin/pyzor
debug: entering helper-app run mode
debug: leaving helper-app run mode
debug: Pyzor -> check failed: no response
debug: DCCifd is not available: no r/w dccifd socket found.
debug: DCC is not available: no executable dccproc found.
debug: Running tests for priority: 500
debug: RBL: success for 1 of 1 queries
debug: plugin: Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL=HASH(0x9f06cdc) 
implements 'check_post_dnsbl'
debug: running meta tests; score so far=0.196
debug: running header regexp tests; score so far=1.765
debug: running body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=1.765
debug: running uri tests; score so far=1.765
debug: running raw-body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=1.765
debug: running full-text regexp tests; score so far=1.765
debug: Running tests for priority: 1000
debug: running meta tests; score so far=1.765
debug: running header regexp tests; score so far=1.765
debug: lock: 4774 created 
debug: lock: 4774 trying to get lock on 
/var/spool/amavisd/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist with 0 retries
debug: lock: 4774 link to 
/var/spool/amavisd/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist.lock: link ok
debug: Tie-ing to DB file R/W in 
debug: auto-whitelist (db-based): 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=none scores 0/0
debug: AWL active, pre-score: 1.765, autolearn score: 1.765, mean: undef, 
IP: undef
debug: DB addr list: untie-ing and unlocking.
debug: DB addr list: file locked, breaking lock.
debug: unlock: 4774 unlink 
debug: Post AWL score: 1.765
debug: running body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=1.765
debug: running uri tests; score so far=1.765
debug: running raw-body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=1.765
debug: running full-text regexp tests; score so far=1.765
debug: is spam? score=1.765 required=5

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