H. wrote:

> Hi All,

> I'm testing/configuring a new mailgateway with a more current version
> Postfix, AMaViS-new, SpamAssassin, Kaspersky-AV and ClamAV combi.

> The new Mailgateway has AMaViS has version 2.4.1
> What I'm trying to do is to ban encrypted .ZIP (and some other) archives
> but to pass unencrypted .ZIP containing an encrypted .ZIP. Therefore I
> use the new style of banned lookup table with $banned_namepath_re. The
> old method is disabled.

> I have got this section:

>  -----8<-----

> # # within certain archives allow leaf members at any depth if crypted
>   [ qr'(?# ALLOW ENCRYPTED )
>        ^ (.*\t)? T=(zip|rar|arj) (.*\n)+ (.*\t)? A=C (\t.*)? \z'xmi => 0
> ],

> But it does not work.

> Encrypted .ZIP is passed with ***UNCHECKED*** in the Subject: field.
> (Should be blocked)
> Encrypted .ZIP in a nonencrypted .ZIP is passed with ***UNCHECKED*** in
> the Subject: field. (This is a correct action.)

> Did I misunderstood the comments or do I have another error?

I could be wrong, but it appears to me this rule allows encrypted
zip|rar|arj files or will also allow the file to pass if there is a file
inside a zip|rar|arj that cannot be deciphered (is encrypted). So to me
your result would be expected. I'm not sure how you would accomplish
your goal. Mark may have an idea, but won't be back for a week or so.

> Another problem is that 'kill -HUP' of the amavisd master dies silently
> instead of doing a reload. No errors in the log, not even in debug
> mode... I have (re)checked the ownership of the amavisd files, but did
> not find an error. Have you got an idea where to look?


- sending signal HUP in order to restart amavisd no longer works (previously
  it only worked in non-chrooted environment and relied on guessing amavisd
  absolute path); please use 'amavisd reload', or 'amavisd stop' and restart;

  If the HUP method is really still needed, please replace the line
    commandline => [],  # disable
    commandline => ['/usr/local/sbin/amavisd','-c',$config_file],
  in file amavisd, adjusting the path if necessary.

> Cheers,
>        Harrie (quite hot over here...)

Gary V

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