Dear Gary,

You wrote me the following:

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gary V
> Sent: woensdag 19 juli 2006 16:53
> To:
> Subject: Re: [AMaViS-user] Do not Ban encrypted leaf 
> members,but do ban encrypted .ZIP
> H. wrote:
[ snip ]
> > I have got this section:
> >  -----8<-----
> > # # within certain archives allow leaf members at any depth 
> if crypted
> >   [ qr'(?# ALLOW ENCRYPTED )
> >        ^ (.*\t)? T=(zip|rar|arj) (.*\n)+ (.*\t)? A=C 
> (\t.*)? \z'xmi => 0
> > ],
> > But it does not work.
> > Encrypted .ZIP is passed with ***UNCHECKED*** in the Subject: field.
> > (Should be blocked)
> > Encrypted .ZIP in a nonencrypted .ZIP is passed with 
> ***UNCHECKED*** in
> > the Subject: field. (This is a correct action.)
> > Did I misunderstood the comments or do I have another error?
> I could be wrong, but it appears to me this rule allows encrypted
> zip|rar|arj files or will also allow the file to pass if 
> there is a file inside a zip|rar|arj that cannot be deciphered
> (is encrypted). So to me your result would be expected.
> I'm not sure how you would accomplish your goal. Mark may have an
> idea, but won't be back for a week or so.

I was already afraid for misunderstanding the comment...
What I want is: to block encrypted .ZIP, but to pass encrypted .ZIP in
an archive like .ZIP with an ***UNCHECKED*** mark in the subject. The
reason is, I want to block malware send by contaminated zombies. Such as
e-mail with encrypted .ZIP and the password in text or .GIF-image. But I
also want to give my users a tool to be able to send/receive encrypted
.ZIP files with confidential information without help of the
I'll wait for Mark to comment on this.

> > Another problem is that 'kill -HUP' of the amavisd master 
> > dies silently instead of doing a reload. No errors in the log,
> > not even in debug mode... I have (re)checked the ownership of
> > the amavisd files, but did not find an error. Have you got an
> > idea where to look?
> - sending signal HUP in order to restart amavisd no longer 
> works (previously
>   it only worked in non-chrooted environment and relied on 
> guessing amavisd
>   absolute path); please use 'amavisd reload', or 'amavisd 
> stop' and restart;

Oh sh*t. I missed the Release notes... My Linux guru and a big help, got
the amavisd RPM and installed it for me. So, I haven't seen it.

B.t.w. in /etc/init.d there is the startup procedure amavisd. Normally,
with a reload, you should execute 'service amavisd reload'. Guess what
the command is to reload amavisd? Indeed 'killproc $prog -HUP'...

>   If the HUP method is really still needed, please replace the line
>     commandline => [],  # disable
>   by:
>     commandline => ['/usr/local/sbin/amavisd','-c',$config_file],
>   in file amavisd, adjusting the path if necessary.

Thank you very much for this hint. I'll check it out.


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