On Tue, 22 Aug 2006, Gary V wrote:

> > FWIW, amavisd/spamassassin caught and either blocked or flagged 125,667 
> > SPAM messages in 13 hours.
> I'm curious, is 250,000 (accepted) msgs/day normal traffic for you or
> are you getting hit with a substantial dictionary attack like some
> others? Do you reject mail to invalid recipients? What is your system
> load and available memory like? Are you swap thrashing? Just wondering
> if you need a bigger boat and/or you are wasting what resources you
> have on traffic you should be rejecting.
> Gary V

Hi Gary,

We've had a pretty large amount of spam traffic for the last couple of 
years. Right now it's getting larger all the time. Makes you wonder about 
the viability of email down the road.

CPU loads run in the .85 to 1.40 (under heavy load), swap isn't being 
used, and there is always at least 50% available memory.

I'm in a budget crunch and sort of have to make do. We've thought about 
filtering certain IP blocks at our edge router, but that idea is not very 
attractive to me. I'd rather find the real culprits, tie them naked to the 
back bumper of an air-conditioned car out in the middle of the desert and 
have someone drive about 5mph while I look at them out of the back window 
(drinking an ice-cold beer).


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