Thank you for the detailed response, Gary.  Now I get it ;-)

Although this makes the current database editing tool (squirrelmail 
amavis+sql plugin) totally inadequate for managing the system.  I've got 
to come up with something better...

Gary V wrote:
> Do you have a recipient in the field named @. ? If so,
> that user has a policy assigned to it in the policy_id field. If you
> look at the policy (in the policy table) that this ID points to, you
> will probably find the spam_lover field is set to "N".
> This is what could be blocking the lookup into the statc map.
> So, as mentioned, you have two options. You can either NULL out this
> field for this particular policy, or you can add a new policy (I would
> suggest setting only the id, policy_name and spam_lover fields and
> leave all the other fields at their default NULL value) and then add
> two new users - 'admin' and '' and then set their
> policy_id to the new policy and their priority field to at least one
> digit higher than the priority assigned to the @. user. The spam_lover
> field for the policy assigned to these two users would need to be set
> to "Y".

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance ... net philanthropy, open source and other randomness

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