
> > @bypass_header_checks_maps = ( 1 );
> Thanks again... I see now in the comments that the same method can be used
> to disable spam and virii checks.
> >> I get way too many false positives from this!
> >
> > False positives in what sense? That a test said a header is bad
> > but is really not??? Or, more likely, that a header is bad,
> > but mail is passed anyway. Yoy can turn off quarantining
> > of bad header mail if that is what you are asking:
> >   $bad_header_quarantine_method = undef;
> The emails were coming from particular companies that likely do have bad
> headers when generating their emails...  They were all being quarantined
> though, and were not being passed through.

The default setting is $final_bad_header_destiny=D_PASS .
If you see mail being blocked by header checks, it must be
because you have explicitly overridden the default in
your amavisd.conf.

Do not be misled by the fact that default setting is also
to quarantine a mail with a bad header (i.e. a copy goes
to a guarantine, but mail is passed to recipients nevertheless).
To avoid quarantining mail with bad headers, it must be turned off
explicitly, as shown above.

Btw, it is also posible to be more selective and just disable some
of the header checks subtests, e.g. $allowed_header_tests{'8bit'} = 0;

amavisd-new-2.4.4 release notes:

- new configuration variable %allowed_header_tests, also member of policy
  banks, allows for selectively disabling some of the header checks,
  e.g. checks for non-encoded 8-bit characters. The %allowed_header_tests
  hash contains all available header test names as its keys by default
  (with a value of true);  removing a key, or setting its value to false,
  disables a test, e.g.:
    $allowed_header_tests{'8bit'} = 0;
    $allowed_header_tests{'missing'} = 0;
  Currently available keys (i.e. test names) are:
    other mime 8bit control empty long syntax missing multiple
  each corresponding to its own minor contents category of CC_BADH;

    ccat test
    min  name      description
    ---  -------   -----------
      0  other     (catchall for everything else, normally not used)
      1  mime      Bad MIME (sub)headers or bad MIME structure
      2  8bit      Invalid non-encoded 8-bit characters in header
      3  control   Invalid control characters in header (CR or NUL)
      4  empty     Folded header field made up entirely of whitespace
      5  long      Header line longer than RFC 2822 limit of 998 characters
      6  syntax    Header field syntax error
      7  missing   Missing required header field
      8  multiple  Duplicate or multiple occurrence of a header field
    ccat min:  minor contents category under a major category CC_BADH,
               available in templates as a macro ccat_min;
    test name: corresponding test name - a key in %allowed_header_tests;
    descr.:    description of a header test or MIME subheaders/structure test;


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