Ricardo Stella wrote:
> We are currently testing (not my choice) a hosted anti-spam server,
> primarily to get rid of the bulk of spam.  So our domain MX records
> point to their servers, and they deliver lower level junk to us.
> Trying to gray and whitelist some senders, it seems that my local.cf is
> being ignored.  Amavisd config is pretty standard and I'm still using a
> dual-sendmail setup.  A particular sender does not have an envelope
> sender, so I've been trying to use whitelist_from_received in local.cf 
> But the messages are not being 'whitelisted' and get a standard score.
> Testing the message with spamassasin -D < test.msg gives correctly adds
> -100 to the score, but if I test the message via amavis, it doesn't. 
> The 'apparent' difference is that in the addresses I have listed in
> trusted_networks and internal_networks correctly show as such in the
> debug when done via sa command line, but does not (trusted? no internal?
> no) when I run amavisd debug-sa.
> on local.cf I have
> clear_trusted_networks
> trusted_networks
> trusted_networks xx.xx.xx.xx
> clear_internal_networks
> internal_networks xx.xx.xx.xx # this is the hosted solution's ip address
> that sends us mail
> whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED] ourdomain.edu
> Do I need to add this address(es) to mynetworks in amavisd ?

did you restart/reload amavisd-new after modifying your local.cf?

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