
> this is my first post so please be gentle, my boss bough a nice lotus
> solution, but then he realized that he hadn't bought any anti virus
> for the smtp, so my questions is...
> is it possible and safe to get together amavis with lotus 7.0.2?
> the smtp and the lotus are different servers (both on sles sp3)

Apparently nobody knows much about lotus.

If there is a general purpose mailer (such as Postfix) sitting
in front of lotus, it would be most natural to interface amavisd
with MTA. Otherwise you can devise some other setup, amavisd
speaks SMTP (or LMTP) both on its input and on its output.
Just make sure its SMTP input is not exposed directly to the wild,
it needs to be fed by a feed which provides control on the number
of concurrent sessons.


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