
> is there any known problem with using mailzu and 2.6.x ?
> i have not found any here, but like to be shurre

I haven't tried, but I do not expect trouble there
as long as primary keys are left as they were in 2.6.0
(and still are in the 2.6.1 docs).

Only if one changes the primary key to relax global uniqueness
of mail_id and only require it to be unique within a partition,
then mailzu should supply the disambiguating partition_tag=xx
attribute in a release request.

It would be appropriate to start supplying the partition_tag
attribute in a release request even when not really necessary.
Supplying the value saves amavisd one extra step during a release,
and as the value is most likely already readily available to
mailzu (fetched from a msgs record which needs releasing),
I expect the required code change would be a small one.

Supplying the partition_tag attribute in a release request
should be compatible even with earlier versions of amavisd,
which just ignore attributes it does not understand.


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