At 03:47 PM 7/2/2008, Steve wrote:
> > I've noticed that MailZu now takes very very long to execute it's
> > queries.  I believe this to be because the maddr table no longer has
> > an index on the email column.  Would adding that index in there as a
> > non-unique really fubar anything?
> >
>I don't think so. What engine are you using in MySQL for the table 
>maddr? InnoDB or MYISAM?

All the storage data is in InnoDB.

Includes maddr, msgrcpt, msgs, quarantine tables.  At the time it was 
highly recommended to use InnoDB for these tables, I assume that 
still the case?

Because the DB was getting so bogged down yesterday after upgrading 
the tables per the docs, I did already add they index on the email 
col.  So far so good.  The Index size is 200M instead of the usual 
100M, but other than eating a little memory I haven't noticed any 
adverse affects, and it definitly sped up the queries for our scripts 
and the MailZu scripts by a factor of about 500.

- Nathan 

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