> > is there any known problem with using mailzu and 2.6.x ?
> > i have not found any here, but like to be shurre
>I haven't tried, but I do not expect trouble there
>as long as primary keys are left as they were in 2.6.0
>(and still are in the 2.6.1 docs).
>Only if one changes the primary key to relax global uniqueness
>of mail_id and only require it to be unique within a partition,
>then mailzu should supply the disambiguating partition_tag=xx
>attribute in a release request.
>It would be appropriate to start supplying the partition_tag
>attribute in a release request even when not really necessary.
>Supplying the value saves amavisd one extra step during a release,
>and as the value is most likely already readily available to
>mailzu (fetched from a msgs record which needs releasing),
>I expect the required code change would be a small one.
>Supplying the partition_tag attribute in a release request
>should be compatible even with earlier versions of amavisd,
>which just ignore attributes it does not understand.

I've noticed that MailZu now takes very very long to execute it's 
queries.  I believe this to be because the maddr table no longer has 
an index on the email column.  Would adding that index in there as a 
non-unique really fubar anything?

Adding in "WHERE parition_tag = 0" to the queries within MailZu would 
probably solve the issue; however, that'll break as soon as partition_tag != 0.

I have a similar issue on a home written script to get count of 
quarantined messages for user:
SELECT count(*) AS count FROM amavisd_stats.maddr, 
amavisd_stats.msgrcpt, amavisd_stats.msgs
                  where msgs.quar_type = 'Q'
                  and msgrcpt.rs != 'R'
                  and msgrcpt.rs != 'D'
                  and msgs.mail_id = msgrcpt.mail_id
                  and msgrcpt.rid = maddr.id
                  and maddr.email = '$email'

My query is very slow now after changing the unique key on 
maddr.  I've added "where partition_tag = 0" and that speeds it up to 
where it used to be; however, as soon as i tell amavisd-new to write 
a partition_tag other than 0, things are no doubt going to blow up.

- Nate

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