We're trying to replace a Windows anti-spam on the mailbox servers 
with amavisd/sa/clam on the front-end mx.

We are running in tandem both now in the amavis/sa/clam testing phase.

The backend mail content-scanner is still catching too many true 
spams that get past amavis.

We uploaded the spams caught by backend to the mx and ran them 
through spamc, with these results:

70524039.eml 6.8/5.0
70524110.eml 2.2/5.0
70524179.eml -0.8/5.0
70524467.eml 0.6/5.0
70524539.eml 4.4/5.0
70524823.eml 5.3/5.0
70524975.eml 0.7/5.0
70525118.eml 0.0/5.0
70525193.eml 0.3/5.0
70525194.eml 0.3/5.0
70525195.eml 0.3/5.0
70525196.eml 0.3/5.0
70525268.eml 0.6/5.0
70525555.eml 0.6/5.0
70526054.eml 1.1/5.0
70526278.eml -6.9/5.0
70526349.eml 5.1/5.0
70526350.eml 5.1/5.0
70526355.eml 6.2/5.0
70526504.eml -1.5/5.0
70526736.eml 2.5/5.0
70526806.eml 0.6/5.0
70526878.eml 7.0/5.0
70526948.eml -4.7/5.0
70527201.eml -4.0/5.0
70527759.eml 1.7/5.0
70527851.eml 13.9/5.0
70527853.eml 6.6/5.0
70527857.eml 6.6/5.0
70527859.eml 1.7/5.0
70527964.eml 4.0/5.0
70528139.eml 0.3/5.0
70528238.eml -2.6/5.0
70528410.eml 2.5/5.0
70528676.eml 1.8/5.0
70528770.eml 3.2/5.0
70528867.eml -0.8/5.0
70528947.eml -2.6/5.0
70529227.eml 4.3/5.0
70529503.eml -0.2/5.0
70529506.eml -0.2/5.0
70529588.eml 0.0/5.0
70529687.eml 4.7/5.0
70529695.eml 0.0/5.0
70529768.eml 2.8/5.0
70529775.eml -8.0/5.0
70529866.eml 1.9/5.0
70529956.eml 4.3/5.0
70530039.eml 2.0/5.0
70530206.eml 3.5/5.0
70530469.eml 0.0/5.0
70530670.eml 6.1/5.0
70530671.eml 6.1/5.0
70530746.eml 0.2/5.0
70530840.eml 0.0/5.0

All of the above files are below the default 400KB amavis max file 
limit to send to sa, so they should be not skipped past sa.

how do the *.eml's with 5+ score on just the body (excluding tests on 
the sending IP) getting through amavis/sa?

our sa rulesets:

mx1# ll /usr/local/etc/mail/spamassassin/
total 318
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   22546 Jun 24  2005 backhair.cf
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   23422 Jun 24  2005 chickenpox.cf
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    1300 Jul 24 13:49 init.pre
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    1300 Dec  1  2007 init.pre.sample
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    1728 Jul 27 13:13 local.cf
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    1208 Dec  1  2007 local.cf.sample
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  224996 Jul 25 13:57 malwareblocklist.cf
drwx------  2 root  wheel     512 Jul 24 14:05 sa-update-keys
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    2603 Jul 24 13:49 v310.pre
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    2603 Dec  1  2007 v310.pre.sample
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    1195 Jul 24 13:49 v312.pre
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    1195 Dec  1  2007 v312.pre.sample
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    2416 Jul 24 13:49 v320.pre
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    2416 Dec  1  2007 v320.pre.sample

Any suggestions for other rulesets?


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