On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 08:35:22PM +0100, Giuseppe Ghibò wrote:
> I take the opportunity of this thread to ask about one behaviour, that I
> think is not uncommon. Has sense today to set
> defaults destiny values for spam to D_BOUNCE? I mean this: today 99.9%
> of SPAM comes from
> a faked email address, so bouncing it to the sender means to a faked
> sender which might be:
> a) not the real sender, but an not existing email address
> b) an existing email address, but not the real sender.

  You are correct, the general consensus is that it almost never makes
sense to bounce either spam or viruses from amavisd in post-queue mode. 
The capability is there, but it is wiser not to use it.

  In milter or pre-queue mode, D_REJECT (so as to never accept the
mail) is worth using, but as the majority of amavisd configurations
are operated in post-queue, the real alternatives are: D_PASS
and D_DISCARD, possibly used in conjunction with quarantine.

  -- Clifton

    Clifton Royston  --  clift...@iandicomputing.com / clift...@lava.net
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