Mark Martinec wrote:
>> I haven't tried the SNFMilter, but invoking milters from Postfix
>> should be pretty straightforward


> P.S. there was a thread in July 2009 on the postfix-users mailing list
> about a postfix issue, triggered by the use of smfi_quarantine in SNFMilter:


> A patch for Postfix was posted there. I don't know if the trouble call
> has been avoided in a current version of SNFMilter.


We have included the postfix patch in our SNFMilter distribution for 
those who build postfix from source.

Also, since the trouble is caused only when a milter (any milter - not 
just SNFMilter) sends back a quarantine response and multiple messages 
are passed during a single SMTP session, the problem can be avoided by 
configuring SNFMilter so that the quarantine response is not used.

If you want SNFMilter to inject headers that will later be passed on to 
amavis and SA while avoiding the quarantine issue then modify the 
default SNFMilter configuration in the <milter/> section to the following:

  <white action='Accept'/>
  <caution action='Allow'/>
  <black action='Allow'/>
  <truncate action='Allow'/>
  <result code='20' action='Reject'/>
  <result code='1' action='Accept'/>
||||  <nonzero action='Allow'/>

If you really want to see everything then you could eliminate the 
<result code='20'.../> line from the <scan/> section.

You will probably also want to adjust the <xheaders/> section to turn on 
the <result/> option as in:

|<result on-off='on'>X-MessageSniffer-Scan-Result</result>|

This will emit an X- header containing the scan result code (rule 
group). You can then create SA rules to add weight for the different 
result codes. You can find result codes documented here:

A good guide to what weights to start with might be this excerpt from 
our SNF4SA plugin:

|snf_result 1     sa_score -5.0 short_circuit_no
||snf_result 20    sa_score 6.0  short_circuit_yes
||snf_result 40    sa_score 2.5  short_circuit_no
||snf_result 47-62 sa_score 4.0  short_circuit_no
||snf_result 63    sa_score 3.5  short_circuit_no

More on customizing the X- header options here:

More on SNFMilter in general here:

Hope this is helpful,



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