On Wed, 12 May 2010, Michael Scheidell wrote:

> On 5/12/10 11:44 AM, Andy Dills wrote:
> > So, I'm trying to make a new build for our mailserver cluster, and I'm
> > experiencing a strange problem.
> >
> > This is FreeBSD 8.0, Postfix 2.6.6, Amavisd 2.6.4, Perl 5.10.1, SA 3.3.1,
> > Clamav 0.96, both with p0f enabled and disabled.
> >    
> are you using ports packages for all above? I think there were some 
> tweaks to clamav.
> (and I assume you are using clamd/clamdscan, right?)

Correct, all from ports.

> if clamd fails, it will fail over to clamscan (according to amavisd.conf)
> if you to a
> top -o cpu
> or a ps -auxww | grep clamscan
> is clamscan running?
> if it is, it will NEVER finish!

Nope, clamscan doesn't appear to ever run. 

> is amavisd port package 2.6.4_4,1
> pkg_info -cQ amavisd-new=2.6.4_4,1


BTW, as a shot in the dark I built the 8.0-STABLE kernel with "options 
DEADLKRES" but that didn't help. I'm now in the process of building the 
kernel without SMP support to see how that behaves.


Andy Dills
Xecunet, Inc.


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