On Wed, 19 May 2010, Mark Martinec wrote:

> Andy,
> > Are the sample rules in the release notes still the preferred p0f ruleset
> > for SA?
> Yes, still valid. It's pretty much what I'm using at our site.
> The IP distance (hop count) rules may need tweaking if your site
> is close to poorly policed ISPs, but it works well in our academic
> networks topology.

I didn't add those...I'm thinking about adding them with a .001 score so I 
can run some analysis on the rules effectiveness with our traffic. We're 
pretty well connected, our datacenter has both Level3 fiber and transit 
via Washington DC and Verizon fiber to Equinix Ashburn...so, I 
would tend to guess that spam and legit mail would range in a 
similar number of hops. We could be very close to spam, and 
relatively far from ham. That's just an assumption though.

However, I have to think it would help with the international spam so I've 
been pondering it...instead of giving bonuses to closer hosts, penalize 
more distant hosts.

> The BOTNET* rules may need replacing an old DKIM_VERIFIED rule with
> a DKIM_VALID, reflecting the change of a rule name with SpamAssassin 3.3.0.

> > Does anybody have any comments or experiences? We're in the process of
> > upgrading amavisd-new, and want to take this opportunity to utilize this
> > additional tool.
> Every little bit helps in fighting spam.  P0f is quite effective
> in distinguishing Windows-based botnets from the rest. It is also
> quite useful with reducing numerous false positives of a Botnet
> plugin, if using it.

I rolled out the new mail cluster, and p0f is definitely a nice addition. 
Everybody is happy with the improvements in filtering.

However, the stats reported by amavisd-agent seem very low compared to 
the logs.

Here's one server...FreeBSD, so it's fresh logfiles at midnight. At 
roughly 7 AM:

mail-out01# grep L_P0F_WXP /var/log/maillog | wc -l

mail-out01# grep L_P0F /var/log/maillog | wc -l

Amavisd has been running for longer than the logfile:

sysUpTime       TimeTicks 5913549 (0 days, 16:25:35.49) 

But we get:

virus.byOS.Windows-2000                228     14/h   71.2 % 
virus.byOS.Windows-XP/2000              47      3/h   14.7 % 
virus.byOS.UNKNOWN                      33      2/h   10.3 % 
virus.byOS.Windows-XP                    7      0/h    2.2 % 
virus.byOS.Linux                         4      0/h    1.2 % 
spam.byOS.Windows-2003                 134      8/h    0.3 % 
spam.byOS.Linux                        134      8/h    0.3 % 
spam.byOS.Windows-2000                 102      6/h    0.3 % 
spam.byOS.UNKNOWN                       35      2/h    0.1 % 
spam.byOS.Solaris                       17      1/h    0.0 % 
spam.byOS.Windows-XP/2000               10      1/h    0.0 % 
spam.byOS.Windows-SP3                    5      0/h    0.0 % 
spam.byOS.Windows-98                     5      0/h    0.0 % 
spam.byOS.FreeBSD                        4      0/h    0.0 % 
spam.byOS.Windows-XP                     4      0/h    0.0 % 
spam.byOS.Windows-95                     4      0/h    0.0 % 
spam.byOS.Novell                         3      0/h    0.0 % 
spam.byOS.NetBSD                         2      0/h    0.0 % 
ham.byOS.Linux                         799     49/h   25.5 % 
ham.byOS.UNKNOWN                       439     27/h   14.0 % 
ham.byOS.Windows-2000                  300     18/h    9.6 % 
ham.byOS.FreeBSD                       137      8/h    4.4 % 
ham.byOS.Solaris                        86      5/h    2.7 % 
ham.byOS.Windows-XP                     33      2/h    1.1 % 
ham.byOS.Windows-XP/2000                21      1/h    0.7 % 
ham.byOS.Google                          9      1/h    0.3 % 
ham.byOS.Windows-98                      8      0/h    0.3 % 
ham.byOS.Windows-2003                    5      0/h    0.2 % 
ham.byOS.Novell                          2      0/h    0.1 % 
ham.byOS.MacOS                           1      0/h    0.0 % 

Is there something I'm missing? 


Andy Dills
Xecunet, Inc.


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