On 15/10/2020 11:57 π.μ., Olivier wrote:

I am not sure, but I see that Eicar was detected by an unofficial
signature. Do you have a different rules for official and unofficial?

Thank you Olivier for your reply.

Frankly, I am not aware of the exact technical details of our setup. This setup was implemented by following public articles with how-to do directions, several years ago. Yet I am afraid I don't have adequate expertise for in-depth understanding or for thorough troubleshooting.

This is why I am in a very high need of assistance/guidance in both analysing the current setup details and troubleshooting the issue.

Regarding the setup itself, I can publish the amavis/clamav config files and/or provide any additional information you may require to be able to draw technical conclusions!

Please be patient with me and kindly help on resolving this very critical and urgent security issue!


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