Hello AMers,

I am certainly inclined to agree with all that has been said about doing
something about all of the illegal CB activity, however, it seems to me that
far too much negative energy is being spent pursuing this age-old problem.
There are so many positive things that we could be discussing!  Let's face
it.  We can complain forever about these issues and they will still probably
always exist, even if law enforcement is increased.  What we are talking
about is a whole "sub-culture" of individuals who enjoy doing these things
and they will keep it up 'til their dying days.  I, for one, would really
enjoy more good technical and AM operating discussion on this reflector.
Just my two cents worth.

One thing to keep in mind about all of those illegal CB amplifiers on
eBay.......What a great cheap source of parts and/or foundation for LEGAL
ham amplifiers to be used on 10 meters or other bands!


Jack, W9GT
check out my web page at: http://mywebpages.comcast.net/w9gt/index.htm

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