This sounds like a good plan. Simply reducing the loading on the 6146 will probably cause excessive screen grid dissipation.

Darrell, WA5VGO

At 05:19 PM 4/7/2003 -0400, you wrote:

The way I reduce power out on my Ranger to drive an amp is not exactly the
right way, but it works very well. I know of several other people using the
very same method, reduce the screen voltage.
I reduce my normal screen voltage with a variable resistor controlling a
transistor. Turn the screen voltage up and load the Ranger as normal and
then adjust the screen voltage until the desired power out is obtained.
Power out is adjustable from full power down to 5 watts or so, I normally
run my Ranger at 10 watts to drive an amp. The Ranger is capable of a lot of
positive modulation peaks running like this.
I have observed no ill affects from doing this, your mileage may vary.
Mike / WN3B

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