Hi Guys, here is $0.02 worth. The stock Ranger has a 7500 ohm primary, 3500
ohm secondary modulation transformer at about 15 watts rated, which means
that a 3500 ohm plate/screen load would reflect 7500 ohms to the modulator
tubes. It is true that as the plate load increases ( lighter loading, that a
higher load will be reflected to the modulators which reduces their maximum
available output without any distortion. You will be able to carry this only
so far and then the modulators put out square waves instead of sine waves.
Bob Bruene published quite a bit about this form of high level clipping in
QST. My Ranger runs into a high power pad at nearly normal power to keep all
this stuff in balance. All of the ideas here are ok, as witnessed by many
sucessfull results. I just wanted to put a tad of theory in. Lowering the
power to get Ultra Modulation from the 1614 makes the competing stuff pass
each in the opposite directions.. 73 Mike K4XM

t----- Original Message -----
To: <amradio@mailman.qth.net>
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2003 7:54 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] re: Ranger driving Thunderbolt

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