Brett Gazdzinski wrote:

I suppose its a good investment, the price is bound to only go up.

[Soapbox mode on] I disagree with this emphatically. The bulk of the ham radio 
and antique radio collecting community is entering their twilight years. The 
next 15 years are going to see the market flooded with sellers. The question is 
will new buyers enter the market in enough numbers to maintain or increase 
prices. I think not. The internet is king. Radio is going digital. amateur use 
of radio spectrum is under constant attack so bandwidth issues are becoming 
more contentious. And the old hobby culture of America is fading fast. I think 
every hobby is feeling it. The nasty part of what is about to happen is that a 
lot of people will all be trying to dispose of their stuff at once so they can 
retire to Florida. I just don't see increasing values for boatanchors in that 
picture. [soapbox mode off]

73, Don Merz, N3RHT

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