Nortex Electronics has a pair of 810's. not sure the price. They
looked really clean.

Message: 8
Date: Fri, 05 Dec 2003 10:29:28 -0500
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Todd Bigelow - PS)
Subject: [AMRadio] Johnson Desk

Well, now...

Since everyone is focused on the topic of Desk KWs, use, construction, 
value (perceived or otherwise), it seems like a good time for me to
out a plea for some needed parts for same. Currently in the process of
BC transmitter project, but hoping to get back to this one soon.

I'm looking for the wooden frame with the side locking pin assembly
the top panel. This piece sits atop the faceplace under the lid held
place by a couple of brass clips (IIRC), and supports the metal lid
it is placed over the top during times of inactivity. It also holds
same lid into place with a clever spring system in the side of the 
pedestal and the pin in the frame, so you can stow the lid while using 
the rig. I inherited this unit from the estate of W1MMV somewhat 
incomplete and partially disassembled back in '94 and would love to
it back on the air. It's also missing the HV wires and caps for the
modulators and the relay from atop the transformer. Other than that,
seems to be complete. Willing to pay cash or trade items needed in 
exchange (if I have what you need). I do recall getting at least one 
spare original manual with it, maybe 2. Also a pair of the round
I got from Ron Skipper at the Milton hamfest some years back.

So....any parts units out there? Probably like asking if there are any 
KW-1 or 30K donors, right? Never hurts to try....or hope!

Tnx es 73

de Todd/'Boomer'   KA1KAQ

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