Its the great ham gathering of the year. Luckily I live only 300 miles away so I take my antique motorhome and spend the night friday night. Makes a great week end especially if you are picking up a 100 lb 12KVA power transformer for your 4-1000A linear. No shipping costs. Got a great deal too, traded a SB220 power transformer (only 20 lbs) for it. Also picked up two working D-104s for $25 each. Wish I had gotten more, but my wife had given me orders. The barbeque (real Texas beef barbeque, no yankee pork) was great as was all the socialising. I met an old ham friend that I hadnt seen in 30 years!

Geoff/W5OMR wrote:

I really hope to make Belton someday. Dayton too, for that matter. We have Hosstraders up here, just over in NH 'about an hour' away. Rocheser NY is apparently a big gathering too, just haven't gotten there yet myself. Seems like the socializing is more fun now than buying goodies, though.

NOW you're talking! :-)  The Socializing thing is what's really taken over
at Belton.  The facility (Bell County Expo Center) seems to have reserved
the entire weekend (starting Friday morning) for the HamFest. People start showing up sometime in the middle of the week in their RV's, with
the majority showing up early Friday morning.

Always lots of room for everyone. Big gatherings on friday night with musical instruments, lots of food, and comraderie and fellowship for all.

The QCWA NOS local chapter (promoting AM, in general) always
has a big presence.

73 = Best Regards,

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