> Yes, but the original mail did not have your call...
> Its a shame you are so far away from me..

try needing everything on the list, and living 2000 miles away.

from NY to PA is a short hop/skip/jump, and it doesn't matter
much, really, where in either state you are.

Down in Texas, we've got people that travel from up in the 
panhandle to down in the rio Grnade Valley, to the semi-annual
"Belton HamFest" in Belton, TX (central Texas), as well as from
other states.  When you have a hamfest in the middo of Texas,
you're talking a few hundred miles from any state-line.  

a hundred (or so) to cover 5 states in 2 hours ain't nuttin'...

I've been there, done that.  It could -always- be worse, Brett.  ;-)

73 = Best Regards,

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