Don't know what book says. Been under impression for 40 years or more they
were free standing (25G) up to 60 feet especially with a house bracket. I
put one up at 55 ft in 1981, self supported with tri-bander, it is still
here! and we have had several really high wind attacks, a nasty ice storm..
My book says no more than 60 feet without guys while constructing. The 135
footer I put up in 1965 had guys 60, 90, 120 feet.. it is still there! Don't
know.. go figure! Mike K4XM

> I am contemplating placing a 10 foot section of Rohn 55G halfway in a
> base.
> Could someone suggest how many section could I add if the tower were
> self-supporting.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> Thank you
> Dave, W3ST
> Publisher of the Collins Journal
> Secretary to the Collins Radio Association

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